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Calculated Column to Average numbers in column, dividing by number of columns with values
I have a SP list that will have some columns populated and some left blank. Each column is scored out of 5. If i have 3 columns with 5 and 3 columns left blank I would like the calculated column to see 3 values, add them and divide by the number of columns with values. So in this case it would see 5,5,5 totalling 15 and divide by only 3 to give me an average of 5. Currently it would divide by 6 columns.179Views0likes1CommentVlookup between two tables not working.
I have the following FX: =VLOOKUP([@ID],Table6[@ID],4,FALSE) Table Im in is looking in another table for the ID calue and returning the 4th column value. Except it just returns N/A#. Table with Vlookup: Table I want to lookup and get value: Both ID columns are Column A.316Views0likes1CommentFacility Check Time, Shift Time Check Calculated Column
I have a facility check SP List that users, through Power apps log safety checks. They are to complete these checks on each shift and within 1 hour of the shift starting. I need a calculated column that can look at the the Shift Value and the Time it was logged and change a value in the Calculated column to Say Pass / Fail. So as an example if the AM shift starts at 06:55:00 then the target time for the check is 07:55:00. IF (AM - Shift Time>07:55:00,"Fail", "Pass) Can this be converted to a calculated column, as well as looking up the multiple shift values? The last column in my excel example is the time over the target time.142Views0likes0CommentsIF Any Column has a "NO" then True, Else False
I have a series of columns that if the value is NO then I want the calculated column to Say No, and if none present say yes. I have tried this: =IF(([Column1]="NO"),IF([Column2]="NO")...etc),"No","Yes")) Am i missing something?Solved272Views0likes1CommentCant Delete Calender Views
I cannot find how to delete a caleder view on sharepoint. I can delete normal views, but not calenders. When i go to the site settings -> Views and Click the calender to edit i get this error. Is there another way in Sahrepoint to delete these views?258Views0likes1CommentAdvice on the Best way to approach multiple lists that need to reference and SUM.
I have 3 different SP Lists, that I would like to reference each other and also sum various columns. Charge out list - The Hourly cost per employee. Time Sheet List - Where the employee logs hours agaisnt a reference, that is linked to either an internal or external rate in the charge out list. The Reference List, the work to be carried out that Time sheets are logged against that will hold the total sum of hours times the Hourly cost. I would like to have users enter time sheets, the rate is then caluclated and the hours are then multiplied, then using the reference fromt he time sheet add those figures as a total to the Totals list. Any thoughts on the best approach to completing this? I am open to changing the whole system if needed.305Views0likes1CommentCalulated COlumn Double If Function
I have two YES/NO Columns, that if either of them has a YES then its a failure and my caluclated column will say pass or Fail. =IF([Observation Required]="Yes",IF([NCR Required]="Yes","Fail","Pass")) This just returns a value of "No" in each row.Solved416Views0likes3CommentsLookup Column and Vlookup another SP List to Find Charegout Rate
I have an SP list with Employee as Choice Column and a number column. I thne have a main list that charges out per hours depending on the person assigned. So I f I put BOB down, I want a column that can then lookup BOB and Apply £50 rate an hour. I can then setup a calculated column to times these values. Any idea how to ahcieve this?281Views0likes0CommentsRe: Right Function but with multiple digit numbers
Ok so using your example i did this: =RIGHT([Training Issued],FIND([Training Issued]," ")-1) The Logic Being it finds the Trining Issued Text, "Example" and the the gap after so it shoudl only leave the numbers. Im not sure what the -1 is doing. Anyway this didnt work, it shows #VALUE.950Views0likes4Comments
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