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How to grant permissions on behalf of the organization Script
Hello everyone! We generated a necessary Script to create the API/APP/Service Principal in Entra ID, and assign some delegated and application permissions. However, I need to grant permission on behalf of the organization for these permissions, during the Script itself. I have tried several times, in different ways, but all without success. Does anyone know how this can be done? If it can be done? And could you help me with this? Thank you all. Best regards235Views0likes1CommentHow to grant permissions on behalf of the organization Script
Hello everyone! We generated a necessary Script to create a Principal API/APP/Service in Entra ID, and assign some delegated and application permissions. However, I need to consent to these permissions on behalf of the organization, during the Script itself. I have tried several times, in different ways, but all without success. Does anyone know how this can be done? If it can be done? And could you help me with this? Thank you all. Best regardsError - Connect-ExchangeOnline Error Acquiring Token: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException
Error Connect-ExchangeOnline Error Acquiring Token: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: Remote name could not be resolved: 'server.proxy.local'Re: Change or specify value of a header Using Exchange Online
VasilMichev,Thanks for the answer... So that means... Someone who sends a message through a Shared Box OR a Distribution List, the recipient doesn't know who did it by reading the header. As Environment Administrator, I can obtain this information through the Audit Log. And... Sorry if it seems like too much... But, it commented that a limited number of headers I could change per transport rules. The documentation suggests - generally - something aimed at On primese/Exchange Local. Not for Exchange Online. Would that be it? Are these changes not possible for Exchange Online? And where could I get what header I can change?890Views0likes1CommentChange or specify value of a header Using Exchange Online
Using Exchange Online exclusively, is it possible to change or specify a value for a header? For example: X-MS-Exchange-Organization-Original-Sender or X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs In fact, the objective is to see who actually sent a message through a shared box or a distribution list.Solved967Views0likes3CommentsRe: Creating a new address list
VasilMichev...Hello everything is fine? See... In my case, one tenant, several domains - consequently several users and a great need to improve the visualization of the GAL. Users of a domain preferably want to see - see - consult users of their own domain BUT ... but can consult all Tenant users. Reading what you wrote, it seems like it meets my desired scenario. - Create a GAL-DOM01 - Create a GAL-DOM02 - Create a policy POL-GAL-DOM01 for use of GAL-DOM01 - Create a policy POL-GAL-DOM02 for use of GAL-DOM02 Then I assign the policies to the users, POL-GAL-DOM01 to email address removed for privacy reasons , POL-GAL-DOM02 to email address removed for privacy reasons ... But if I want - need - organize by New Address Lists?!?!? For example... In DOM01 I want to separate HR, IT, DEV. How to ensure that these lists are visible only to GAL-DOM01/ POL-GAL-DOM01 users? That cannot be seen by users of GAL-DOM02/POL-GAL-DOM02 or even by users who do not have an address catalog policy, users of Again... Reading what you say, it seems to me that it is possible to achieve this scenario, but when I go to operationalize it, I don't see a way out "Default Global Address List". If I haven't made myself clear, please ask, I'm at your complete disposal. Thank you for your attention883Views0likes0CommentsRe: Moving files from SharePoint online to a mapped network drive
I needed to do something like this, which was moving a CSV file from a specific Library to a network drive. In fact, it created a new file, based on the content. In the end this was a problem because it caused different encoding - accent and character errors, for example - Would this, in your suggestion, be possible without the errors I mentioned?633Views0likes0CommentsRe: Need to use SPO Service Online Powershell Module without credentials-based login for an Automation
I need to carry out the same process. Access websites, measure usage and usability. In my case it is one tenant and about 80 domains contributing differently to the total space in the environment. I don't know exactly what you're doing, but in my case I migrated from SPO to PnP and it's been very good. Before I had to "access" manually because of the need for authentication, now it's automated.276Views0likes0CommentsRe: App password for service account when using Security Defaults
Although it is not a recommended practice, you can access it like this: Access: Locate your account and disable MFA. Remember: It is not a recommended practice. It would be ideal to look for other forms of authentication...405Views0likes0CommentsRe: Is Subsite really necessary in Sharepoint Online?
Well then... It's one thing to actually disable the possibilities of creating Subsites... The second - one more doubt: I use "Get-SPOSite -Limit ALL" or "Get-PnPTenantSite" but I can't find the "subsites" but the subsites don't appear in the list. I imagine this is because a subsite is part of a website, although they appear to use different spaces. I have a website I created a subsite "subsite01" But in the commands above, only site001 comes to me and only its space. Subsite01 does not. I don't see this even using "Get-SPOSite -Limit ALL" or "Get-PnPTenantSite" All this because I need to know exactly what each site - and of course if there is - each subsite can consume space. Where does he get this space from? Well, these are just doubts about theory and thought. Thank you for your help1.1KViews0likes0CommentsForce receipt of confirmation of opening a message (???)
Hello, I hope everyone is well I know this may seem strange. And even invasive. It seems clear to me that I can't "force" this, but I would need confirmation that the message was opened. JUST... It's not a message in my environment, in Exchange. Basically: Messages are sent to different recipients. For fairness purposes, delivery confirmation is not enough. If you need to know if it was opened or not. I must be wrong but I think I read something about it. But anyway... Is it possible - I don't think so but I need to clear the doubt - for this to be done? Thank you very much for your attention. Best regardsSolved285Views0likes1CommentRe: SharePoint Online Subsites
Well, being quite redundant... If what is posted is serving you well - and using the words already posted: exceptionally well" - making changes based on "a recommendation" is looking for a problem that you don't have, and I don't even think that it needs. If it serves as a comparison, some of the recommendations made by Microsoft are all welcome and we analyzed them all without exception. But implementation necessarily involves a need to study in relation to our users, how this impacts them or brings significant changes to them that result in a solution or more problems. A safe, problem-free environment that is possible to produce quietly seems like a good idea to me! Kind regards606Views0likes0CommentsIs Subsite really necessary in Sharepoint Online?
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is well! Perhaps it is not a technical doubt but rather a need or concept. What is the need for "subsites" in Sharepoint Online today? I ask this because thinking about the natural ways of creating and using websites, it is not necessary. But trying to be a person of good will, the user still wanting to have a Subsite, I, as the Environment Administrator, cannot list this "site" nor can I observe where it uses the space in question. Then? Where does it consume space? But before that, really, what is the use of a subsite? And how do you then list those that exist in the environment, use, volume, etc. It may seem like endless nonsense and I apologize for the inconvenience with something that may seem so trivial, but it has taken away my peace of mind in the last few hours thinking about it. Thank you very much for your attention Good RegardsSolved1.3KViews0likes2CommentsPS script for uploading files to Sharepoint Online
Hello friends... This process of uploading files from some local storage to Sharepoint Online seems to be the simplest to be carried out via Powershell Script... However, a command/routine in which the password is posted clearly, in plain text, is not " should be" permanent. Do you have any alternative to this? #Copia Arquivos para o Sharepoint Site $FILESP = (Get-ChildItem .\$EXECFOLDER\ -File | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending| Select-Object -First 3).Name foreach ($FILESP in $FILESP) { Write-Host "Arquivo .......... " -NoNewline Write-Host "" $FILESP -foregroundcolor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host " foi carregado/enviado com êxito!!!" Write-Host "" $WebUrl = "" $LibraryName ="library" $SourceFile=".\$EXECFOLDER\$FILESP" $AdminName ="my-name@domain" $AdminPassword = "my password" #$Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($AdminName,(ConvertTo-SecureString $AdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) $Credential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $AdminName, $AdminPassword $Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($WebUrl) $Context.Credentials = $Credentials $Library = $Context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($LibraryName) $FileStream = ([System.IO.FileInfo] (Get-Item $SourceFile)).OpenRead() $SourceFileName = Split-path $SourceFile -leaf $FileCreationInfo = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileCreationInformation $FileCreationInfo.Overwrite = $true $FileCreationInfo.ContentStream = $FileStream $FileCreationInfo.URL = $SourceFileName $FileUploaded = $Library.RootFolder.Files.Add($FileCreationInfo) $Context.Load($FileUploaded) $Context.ExecuteQuery() $FileStream.Close() #Write-Host "" } Contextualizing: A routine/script executes locally, generates some files that must be placed on a website, in a library, on Sharepoint Online Well, I believe this can shed some lightPS script for uploading files to Sharepoint Online
Hello friends... This process of uploading files from some local storage to Sharepoint Online seems to be the simplest to be carried out via Powershell Script... However, a command/routine in which the password is posted clearly, in plain text, is not " should be" permanent. #Copia Arquivos para o Sharepoint Site $FILESP = (Get-ChildItem .\$EXECFOLDER\ -File | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending| Select-Object -First 3).Name foreach ($FILESP in $FILESP) { Write-Host "Arquivo .......... " -NoNewline Write-Host "" $FILESP -foregroundcolor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host " foi carregado/enviado com êxito!!!" Write-Host "" $WebUrl = "" $LibraryName ="library" $SourceFile=".\$EXECFOLDER\$FILESP" $AdminName ="MY-USER@MY-DOMAIN" $AdminPassword = "my password" #$Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($AdminName,(ConvertTo-SecureString $AdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force)) $Credential = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $AdminName, $AdminPassword $Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($WebUrl) $Context.Credentials = $Credentials $Library = $Context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($LibraryName) $FileStream = ([System.IO.FileInfo] (Get-Item $SourceFile)).OpenRead() $SourceFileName = Split-path $SourceFile -leaf $FileCreationInfo = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileCreationInformation $FileCreationInfo.Overwrite = $true $FileCreationInfo.ContentStream = $FileStream $FileCreationInfo.URL = $SourceFileName $FileUploaded = $Library.RootFolder.Files.Add($FileCreationInfo) $Context.Load($FileUploaded) $Context.ExecuteQuery() $FileStream.Close() #Write-Host "" } Do you have any alternative to this? Contextualizing: A routine/script executes locally, generates some files that must be placed on a website, in a library, on Sharepoint Online Well, I believe this can shed some light5.1KViews0likes1CommentRe: How to count messages sent from a specific mailbox
Thanks for your feedback VasilMichev, thank you very much... Well, I understand the reporting issues within the Admin Center and they are always very data rich. We periodically collect data based on the reports. In my case, unfortunately they can be considered insufficient. Look: I have a box - now two - that send alert messages to different recipients, which are the focal points, local leaders to move masses, remove population from regions to try to save lives. In a situation that we call a public calamity - disaster - this is still, largely because of the recipients, the "best form of communication". This box has exceeded the message sending limit within 24 hours. It exceeded 10K. My idea is that I can generate a kind of "online" contactor. Be it Graph or "pure" Poweshell, but I run it and get the response: "100, 200, 5k, 6k messages sent" and with that I can make the necessary adjustments or guidelines, in order to avoid new blocking, blocking of the domain or even blocking the entire tenant. Right now, it's one more crisis that we don't need =P Returning to the solution: - Using "Get-MessageTrace", in the current situation it's not even a problem for 10 days as I need the last 24 hours. - The problem is that it brings me a limit of 1K. The alternative is to "break" into several searches. I would have to make a change at the time, but I'm not sure what time I could monitor. I did some research, and putting it together "here and there" I came up with something like this, below, but you know when you're not sure that this would be correct. So I suggest you see if this would be the closest to what I need: #Config Mail $MAIL = '[Aqui meu Email]' # Set the maximum number of items per query $maxItemsPorConsulta = 1000 # Set the time range for the query (last 24 hours) $startDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-24) $endDate = Get-Date # Initialize a variable to store the total number of items retrieved $totalItensRecuperados = 0 # Loop as long as there are more items to retrieve while ($true) { # Execute the query based on the current time range $resultados = Get-MessageTrace -SenderAddress $MAIL -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -PageSize $maxItemsPorConsulta # Check for recovered items if ($resultados.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "Nenhum item encontrado." break } # Process the results here (e.g. save to a file, process each item, etc.) # Update the total number of items recovered $totalItensRecuperados += $resultados.Count # Check if you have reached the maximum item limit if ($resultados.Count -lt $maxItemsPorConsulta) { Write-Host "Todos os itens foram recuperados." break } # Update start date for next appointment $startDate = $resultados[-1].Received -as [datetime] # If you wish, you can add a delay here to avoid overloading the server Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } # Display the total items recovered Write-Host "Total de itens recuperados: $totalItensRecuperados" The issue is that: Whenever the routine runs it will search from 24 hours back to the time the execution starts, which would mean I wouldn't have the exact query from the last 24 hours of a mailbox. At least that's what I understood. There is still the issue of Graph. If I already get lost using Powershell, imagine Graph. Still, I thank everyone for their support, especially you Vasil Michev. I believe I may be getting somewhere Big hug to everyone Best regards2.7KViews0likes0CommentsHow to count messages sent from a specific mailbox
Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is well. As always, I warn you that I don't speak the language so I can help myself by using an online translator. I hope you can make me understand. If not, I am happy to explain my situation further. Briefly: I need to count the number of messages sent by a specific mailbox. Report how many were sent. I don't know if this is important information, but shipments are made in the majority - or in almost all cases - using a shared box. There is the report in the Admin Center and honestly I'm still getting used to it. I assume there is some delay in generating it in relation to the data obtained. But this is a feeling. What I wanted - and this could be the most complicated thing - is to use some command, which does this reading and brings me this data. I tried to do some reading but in addition to not finding anything very specific, I also didn't really understand how my question would be possible. I have a time problem. I am a resident of a region in Brazil that was hit hard by floods. rains. A true climate catastrophe. And my job is to support the teams that organize all the operations here. Therefore, I apologize if this time I do not ask for something for study and understanding but something more direct. If you can guide me - or show me the way - in a more direct way, I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for the attention that everyone can give to this issue Have a good day at work everyone HugsSolved710Views0likes1CommentHow to count messages sent from a specific mailbox
Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is well. As always, I warn you that I don't speak the language so I can help myself by using an online translator. I hope you can make me understand. If not, I am happy to explain my situation further. Briefly: I need to count the number of messages sent by a specific mailbox. Report how many were sent. There is the report in the Admin Center and honestly I'm still getting used to it. I assume there is some delay in generating it in relation to the data obtained. But this is a feeling. What I wanted - and this could be the most complicated thing - is to use some command, which does this reading and brings me this data. I tried to do some reading but in addition to not finding anything very specific, I also didn't really understand how my question would be possible. I don't know if this is important information, but shipments are made in the majority - or in almost all cases - using a shared box. I have a time problem. I am a resident of a region in Brazil that was hit hard by floods. rains. A true climate catastrophe. And my job is to support the teams that organize all the operations here. Therefore, I apologize if this time I do not ask for something for study and understanding but something more direct. If you can guide me - or show me the way - in a more direct way, I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for the attention that everyone can give to this issue Have a good day at work everyone HugsSolved3.3KViews0likes2CommentsRe: How to list meetings created by a specific user in Exchange Online?
Wow, thank you very much for your attention. I followed his guidance and achieved absolute success. I really had some very shallow “how to” knowledge and not actually said knowledge. I refer to the issue of classes: As I understood that using (kind:meetings) it was a matter of meetings, I never thought about (ItemClass:IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request). With your guidance, I successfully reviewed - and I will have this as a day-to-day action - reviewing the existing documentation. Thank you very much!!!1.8KViews0likes0Comments