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Re: Migrating to Windows 11
HelloReza_Ameri, Thank you for your reply. This article is a good starting point. I have tried it, and it works fine. However, the custom folders do not export. I mean, the Office applications—I've grouped them together in one folder, along with the business applications. Thank you,1.1KViews0likes0CommentsMigrating to Windows 11
Hello everyone, I'm developing a plan to migrate our workstations to Windows 11. I've already tested all the systems on my machine, and they function without any issues. Group policies are also working fine. However, there's one aspect I haven't been able to resolve yet: In our company, we have a customized start menu. This means the displayed icons are those we consider frequently used, and users aren't allowed to change or delete any icon; they can only add items to the taskbar. Could someone confirm if it's possible to create an XML file similar to that in Windows 10 to maintain our current start menu setup in Windows 11? I appreciate any guidance on this matter in advance. Best regards,1.2KViews0likes2CommentsMigrating from Office 2019 32-bit to Office 365 Enterprise 64-bit
Hello everyone, I have to carry out the conversion from our Office 2019 32-bit to Office 365 Enterprise 64-bit. For this purpose, I have downloaded the installers and have constructed the following configuration file: <Configuration> <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Current"> <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail"> <Language ID="en-us" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Lync" /> <ExcludeApp ID="Publisher" /> </Product> </Add> <Updates Enabled="TRUE" Channel="Current" /> <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> <Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0" /> <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="FALSE" /> <Property Name="DeviceBasedLicensing" Value="0" /> <Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0" /> <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> <Updates Enabled="TRUE" /> <RemoveMSI /> </Configuration> For some reason, every time I start the process, it stops within seconds of having begun. So, I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. If not, could someone guide me on how I can make this transition? 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Click-To-Run c0afi Medium C2R::Setup::Application::RunPrereqs {"MachineId": "02b33b2c6f0bf84486b411704d02590f", "SessionID": "9196df31-b463-42e2-a12f-7f41a03571ba", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "16.0.10380.20037", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.15928.20196", "ContextData": "{\"message\":\"Prereq checks complete\",\"PreReqResult Value\":\"1\"}"} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Click-To-Run c0afk Medium C2R::Setup::Application::Execute::<lambda_1>::operator () {"MachineId": "02b33b2c6f0bf84486b411704d02590f", "SessionID": "9196df31-b463-42e2-a12f-7f41a03571ba", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "16.0.10380.20037", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.15928.20196", "ContextData": "{\"message\":\"PreReqs did not pass. Bailing out and returning failure.\",\"Failing PreReq\":\"SXS\"}"} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Activity bjtcw Medium ActivityEnded {"Name": "Office.ClickToRun.UniversalBootstrapper.Execute3", "CV": "Uk0HPIA3JE6rqkSg8ihuvQ.6.3", "ProcessIdentifier": "setup.exe_16.0.15928.20196_X86_{3C074D52-3780-4E24-ABAA-44A0F2286EBD}"} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Telemetry Event biyhq Medium SendEvent {"EventName": "Office.ClickToRun.UniversalBootstrapper.Execute3", "Flags": 33777018697006849, "InternalSequenceNumber": 27, "Time": "2023-08-10T14:34:04Z", "AriaTenantToken": "0da1917aa56040d3a011c3813ca36107-76f080d8-b37f-4635-8054-5c133fcd04c4-6587", "Contract": "Office.System.Activity", "Activity.CV": "Uk0HPIA3JE6rqkSg8ihuvQ.6.3", "Activity.Duration": 214718, "Activity.Count": 1, "Activity.AggMode": 0, "Activity.Success": false, "Activity.Result.Code": 1603, "Activity.Result.Type": "system", "Data.SqmMachineID": "02b33b2c6f0bf84486b411704d02590f", "Data.SusClientID": "9196df31-b463-42e2-a12f-7f41a03571ba", "Data.CMDMode": "/configure", "Data.VersionToInstall": "16.0.16626.20170", "Data.MROResult": "152", "Data.DeliveryMechanism": "492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60", "Data.AvailableClientVersionText": "16.0.16626.20170", "Data.NonBlockingProductCodes": "0x002a, 0x0116, 0x0043, 0x0021, 0x00a4, 0x0070, 0x0026, 0x0032, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x00f5, 0x00f6, 0x0132, 0x0133, 0x007e, 0x008f, 0x008c, 0x00b9, 0x00dd, 0x00c1", "Data.PreReqResult": "1:SXS", "Data.ErrorCode": 1603, "Data.ErrorType": "system", "Data.ErrorMessage": "PreReqs Failed", "Data.ErrorDetails": "class shared::Exception in function C2R::Setup::Application::Execute::<lambda_1>::operator (): Fatal error during installation. [Failing PreReq=SXS]"} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Click-To-Run Non Task Error de8jb Unexpected wWinMain {"MachineId": "02b33b2c6f0bf84486b411704d02590f", "SessionID": "9196df31-b463-42e2-a12f-7f41a03571ba", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "16.0.10380.20037", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.15928.20196", "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorType": "", "AppVErrorSource": "", "ErrorMessage": "PreReqs Failed", "ErrorDetails": "", "ContextData": "{\"message\":\"Installation failed (shared::Exception)\"}"} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Activity bjtcw Medium ActivityEnded {"Name": "Office.ClickToRun.UniversalBootstrapper.Application3", "CV": "Uk0HPIA3JE6rqkSg8ihuvQ.6", "ProcessIdentifier": "setup.exe_16.0.15928.20196_X86_{3C074D52-3780-4E24-ABAA-44A0F2286EBD}"} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Telemetry Event biyhq Medium SendEvent {"EventName": "Office.ClickToRun.UniversalBootstrapper.Application3", "Flags": 33777018697006849, "InternalSequenceNumber": 28, "Time": "2023-08-10T14:34:04Z", "AriaTenantToken": "0da1917aa56040d3a011c3813ca36107-76f080d8-b37f-4635-8054-5c133fcd04c4-6587", "Contract": "Office.System.Activity", "Activity.CV": "Uk0HPIA3JE6rqkSg8ihuvQ.6", "Activity.Duration": 4414702, "Activity.Count": 1, "Activity.AggMode": 0, "Activity.Success": false, "Activity.Result.Code": 1603, "Activity.Result.Type": "system", "Data.SqmMachineID": "02b33b2c6f0bf84486b411704d02590f", "Data.SusClientID": "9196df31-b463-42e2-a12f-7f41a03571ba", "Data.IsWorkerInstance": true, "Data.ErrorCode": 1603, "Data.ErrorType": "system", "Data.ErrorMessage": "PreReqs Failed", "Data.ErrorDetails": "class shared::Exception in function C2R::Setup::Application::Execute::<lambda_1>::operator (): Fatal error during installation. [Failing PreReq=SXS]", "Data.ExitCode": 1603} 08/10/2023 10:34:04.669 SETUP (0x56c) 0x123c Click-To-Run General Telemetry brkp3 Medium wWinMain {"MachineId": "02b33b2c6f0bf84486b411704d02590f", "SessionID": "9196df31-b463-42e2-a12f-7f41a03571ba", "GeoID": 244, "Ver": "16.0.10380.20037", "C2RClientVer": "16.0.15928.20196", "ContextData": "{\"message\":\"Bootstrapper Finished\",\"ExitCode\":\"1603\"}"} This is a fragment of the log file where the error can be seen: "PreReqs did not pass. Bailing out and returning failure.","Failing PreReq" So, I suppose I'm missing something. Details: Windows 10 64bits Ver 22H2 Thank you so much in advance,Re: Dashboard customization
HelloNikolinoDE I have placed this portion of the code in ThisWorkBook and it works, so I think is that somehow I am not invoking the module execution unless that is automatic. Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"",False)" End Sub Looking forward to hearing from you on this regard. Thank you again,998Views0likes0CommentsRe: Dashboard customization
HelloNikolinoDE I have gone a little further, and have managed to put together this little code, however for some unknown reason when I open the file the code does not execute. I have enabled macro execution and it still does not work, any ideas? Option Explicit Private Const Password As String = "My_Pass" Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"", False)" For Each Sheet In Worksheets Sheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden Next Sheet If Not Application.EnableEvents Then MsgBox "Macros are disabled. To enable the modification, activate the macros and reopen the file.", vbExclamation End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "SHOW.TOOLBAR(""Ribbon"", True)" End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If Not CheckPassword() Then Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Function CheckPassword() As Boolean Dim userInput As String On Error Resume Next userInput = InputBox("Enter the password to enable modification:", "Password") If Err.Number <> 0 Then CheckPassword = False ElseIf userInput = Password Then CheckPassword = True Else MsgBox "Wrong password. Modification is not allowed.", vbCritical CheckPassword = False End If On Error GoTo 0 End Function Thank you,1KViews0likes2CommentsRe: Grouped pivot table
SergeiBaklan WHOHOOOO...! It's almost exactly what I was looking for. I just need to solve something, if you see in the image the table records have that grouping symbol that I don't know how to remove it. And I also want to totalize the amount of records per agent. Thank you so much again.1.8KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Grouped pivot table
NikolinoDE Hello! I've been playing around with this to see if I can get it to work, but have been unsuccessful. Here is the way I think it might work: 1.- I add the status field as a filter. 2.- I add the agent field to the row 3.- I add the req ID field to the row, this makes the field to be placed below the agent, which is fine. 4.- I add the request date field to the row and this causes the field to be placed below the ID when it should be next to it. The same happens with all the fields. So, how do I get the records to display as a columnar report grouped by agent? Thank you so much in advance,1.8KViews0likes5CommentsRe: Grouped pivot table
NikolinoDE First of all thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. I have followed your indications and I have not obtained the expected report, surely I have not explained myself well, so I attach an image of what would be the report I am trying to make. A picture says more than a thousand words 🙂 Thank you again,1.9KViews0likes0CommentsGrouped pivot table
Hello guys, I have a support agent data table, then I need to generate a report with the requirements data (creation date, type, requester, assigned agent, requester, requirement type and requirement age). So I need to create a pivot table where I can list all the requests grouped by agent and be able to see the requests that are older than 7 days sorted from the oldest to the most recent. How can I do it? What fields go in the rows and what fields go in the columns? Thank you so much.Solved1.9KViews0likes8CommentsI don't see my pivot tables in my slider.
Hello, Initially I thought the problem was that there was a limit to display pivot tables in the sliders, however after investigating I have found that this is not the case, that there is no limit to the number of connections for the sliders. I have performed these steps without success: Check the data source: Make sure that the data source for your pivot tables is correct and up to date. If the data source has changed or is not correctly linked to the pivot tables, the slider may not show the expected results. Check the structure of the pivot tables: Make sure that the pivot tables you want to connect to the slider have the same structure and the same fields. It is possible that the slider only shows options for pivot tables with matching structures. Update the pivot tables: If you have made changes to the underlying data or to the pivot tables themselves, be sure to update the pivot tables before attempting to connect them to the slider. Outdated or out-of-date pivot tables may not appear in the slider options. Check compatibility: Make sure that the version of Excel you are using supports the feature of connecting pivot tables to sliders. Older versions or certain editions of Excel may not have this functionality. Check the slider settings: double-check the slider settings and configuration to make sure it is set up correctly. Make sure the slider is linked to the correct range of values or cells and that it is configured to connect to pivot tables. Any ideas or explanations as to why the sliders suddenly stopped populating with pivot table names? Should I create one slider per sheet so that it does the same thing on each sheet? I don't quite know how to approach this. Thanks in advance,Solved1.4KViews0likes1CommentCatching the #REF bug!
Hello everyone, I have a cell that shows the value from a pivot table, when I use the controls and change the parameters in the pivot table the value of the cell changes and in some cases the result is #REF!, I wonder if there is a way to capture this error andinstead of showing it, it shows a zero (0). Thank you in advance,Solved849Views0likes4CommentsDashboard customization
Hello everyone, I have a dashboard made in Excel, so I wonder if there is any way to: 1.- Set disable the ribbon when the user opens the file. 2.- Lock the file so that the user can only navigate between pages and use the filter controls. Thank you in advance,1.2KViews0likes6CommentsConvert DateTimeStamp in a valid DateTime.
Hello guys, I have this formula: =IF(AND(E2<>"Solved",E2<>"Close"),NETWORKDAYS.INTL(L218,NOW(),1,9),FALSE) This helps me to calculate the age of the records when the criteria are met. For this I take into account the date of the record but I just realized that the date comes in this format 2023-01-01-01T18:05:27, so the question is, how can I extract the date and time from there, so that the data looks like this: 2023-01-01-01 18:05:27 and include it in my original formula Thanks in advance,Solved691Views0likes1CommentRe: Removing user from all groups in an AD
HelloAndres-Bohren I was testing the script, but I'm not sure if there is something wrong on my end or this is expected. Any how, when I enter a wrong user name, I'm getting this message: Get-ADUser : Cannot find an object with identity: 'xyzqwe3' under: 'DC=mydom,DC=xft'. At line:3 char:11 + $ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $Username -Properties MemberOf + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (xyzqwe3:ADUser) [Get-ADUser], ADIdentityNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser Thank you in advance,12KViews0likes1Comment
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