Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesWordPress on Azure AppService - Email Integration In this document we explain about the email integration with WordPress leveraging Azure Communication Service. Distributed Caching with Azure Redis to boost your WordPress site's Performance How to setup Staging(Deployment) Slots - WordPress on Azure App Service Deployment slots are a powerful feature for managing the deployment and testing process of your WordPress site in a controlled and efficient manner. They help ensure that your WordPress runs s...Re: WordPress on Azure AppService - Email Integration damian367 - Have you changed the Application setting - Sender Name pointing to your custom domain as described here: Go the App service resource-> Configuration-> Application Settings and add th...Re: A lowered cost and more performant WordPress on Azure AppService Mark-Allen Perry - Free service plan works however the Free Plan do not support always-on or backup and restore, so you may consider B1 plan instead. Re: WordPress on Azure AppService - Email Integration damian367 Please refer to this for setting up a custom domain How to add custom verified domains to Email Communication Service - An Azure Communication Services quick start guide | Microsoft Learn o...Re: WordPress on Azure AppService - Email Integration Tony_Millar - Can you please share your subscription ID, opening a github issue or through support ticket so that we can troubleshoot your issue and help resolve it. We are releasing a new version o...Simplify the WordPress blog/content creation with Azure OpenAI In this article, we will learn about how we can leverage Azure OpenAI with WordPress on App Service simplifying the Image creation, content generation, Chatbot and many more.. Re: WordPress on Azure AppService - Email Integration natelabo - Glad to know that email integration is working, thank you for confirming. Re: WordPress on Azure AppService - Email Integration JHosemans - thank you for the feedback, added the app setting value and the format it has to be configured.