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Brass Contributor
Joined 9 years ago
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ADFS 4.0 (2019) - Windows Authentication don't work
Hello, I have issue with SSO for ADFS base on Windows Auth, ADFS was setup base on dcoumentation 1. Certyficates 2. ADFS configuration 3. SPN are added gor GSMA account 4. Internet explorer have added to Intranet sites, in advance I have Windows Auth allowed But ADFS alweys ask for login and password for domin join PC, 😞 some body can help with this topic ?Auto attende call flow with voicemail
Hi Team, I have one issue with call flow connected to Auto Attende and I need you help 1. If I chose redirect and type user I can select any user in company with licences (E5 is in this case) 2. If I chose voicemail - some account without number show up, but not accounts of users What I need to do or is it possible to point to voicemial of userSolved