Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Introducing the new Defender for Identity Health Alert API Finally, Get-MgBetaSecurityIdentitySensor -All didn't provide what is needed, requiring a little creativity to get what is needed. [System.Collections.ArrayList]$MDIHosts = (Get-ADForest).Domains ...Re: Introducing the new Defender for Identity Health Alert API When I use the commandGet-MgBetaSecurityIdentitySensorCount then I see the expected amount of sensors.But when usingGet-MgBetaSecurityIdentitySensor -All then I count 100 sensors less... Making it...Re: Introducing the new Defender for Identity Health Alert API Indeed works great forSecurityIdentitiesHealth.Read.All when using Graph through PowerShell command Get-MgBetaSecurityIdentityHealthIssue, the health issues are returned nicely... But I'm getti...