Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way Hisvhelden, the tiering concept for on-premise environment is just a subset of tiering in cloud-based environments. Here, it is much more complex (as you can see at the Enterprise Access ModelSe...Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way HiThe_Goat, Every virtualization host that run T0 VM guests (e.g., Domain Controllers, Certification Authorities or EntraID Connect boxes) will automatically become Tier0. Although you can ...Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way testuser7your understanding is correct. If you add a PAM solution in addition to the tiering concept, it has to be Tier 0. cheers Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way Hitestuser7, the cloud-based PAW must be a physical device and is defined as THE clean keyboard (meaning this box has best protection and detection assigned and will ensure no one can interfe...Re: Onboard to Azure Arc with Security in Mind john66571 you are correct: base64 is not an "encryption". But here we are talking about "ProtectBase64" which is utilizing DPAPI for the protection/encryption of the "payload". Re: We need to discuss the Microsoft Certification Authority Web Enrollment (CAWE) Role Great summery of alternative options to avoid ugly CAWE! I've written a PoS-based replacement sample for CAWE as file-based workflow where individuals can still place even incomplete requests and ad...Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way HiPatrick_Sczepanski, yes you are right, the gray arrow pointing from Tier-2 to Tier-1 should be extended to Tier-0. So using higher Tier services is always allowed (and desired). This is missing...Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way HiMatthias65510, in modern PAW deployments, the AvDs are part of the Authentication Policies (as they are domain-joined) AND protected by Conditional Access rules (controlling which devices can RD...Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way HiHrvoje_Englman, you are absolutely right - NLA must be enforced on every T0 system to prevent logons from other, unwanted tiers. Re: Protecting Tier 0 the Modern Way Hi Karl-WE, we hear you and we share the pain on missing modern and fancy automation and integrated tools for on-premises AD. However, we cannot answer why it is that way. We can only deal with...