Universal Print

Copper Contributor

I am in charge of adding Universal Print to our environment but we added UP to a device group via Intune. We are receiving multiple errors with the HP printers installed from the connector. The cannon copier which has UP natively works just fine. Could really use some assistance

I have tried looking up the the error code but i cant find anything on it 


Install (User)


3 Replies

@Horsman2012 the fastest way to investigate your problem is to file a support ticket, so we can get the right logs and environment information to see what's up.


Are you able to reach out to support?

@Horsman2012 please try this documentation - Debugging print errors - Universal Print | Microsoft Learn


What HP driver are you using on the connector? We typically have seen best results with the latest version of HP Universal Printing PCL 6. We also recommend trying latest version of Windows Server (WS2022) on the connector host.


I am also confused about whether you are hitting issues while provisioning printers from Intune. It seems like printers are added on user devices but you are facing problems with printing. Can you confirm?

Did you find a solution to this? We've possibly linked it to trying to deploy too many printers at the same time.