Universal Print (UP) Printer Registration

Copper Contributor

Link Document : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/universal-print/hardware/universal-print-oem-printer-registration
The DeviceCertRequest object has a data attribute.
A property that contains a base64-encoded PKCS # 10 certificate request RFC4211. The certificate request MUST use an RSA public key algorithm with a 2048-bit key, a SHA256WithRSAEncryption signature algorithm, and a SHA256 hash algorithm.
But I don't know what the information fields should be transmitted. In the sample code sample, the fields are as follows

  var values = new Dictionary<DerObjectIdentifier, string> {
    {X509Name.CN, "Microsoft"}, //domain name inside the quotes
    {X509Name.O, "Microsoft Corp"}, //Organisation\'s Legal name inside the quotes
    {X509Name.L, "Redmond"},
    {X509Name.ST, "Washington"},
    {X509Name.C, "US"},

But I don't know my request properties ? 

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