Authoring Event Rules in OpsMgr
Published Feb 14 2019 08:10 PM 280 Views
First published on TECHNET on Feb 01, 2008
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Anatomy of a Vista/Server 2008 event

There are three types of Vista/Server 2008 events which are written to various channels in the event log.

1.       The ‘pure’ Vista/Server 2008 event

These events are logged using the new Vista/Server 2008 APIs which means they were written specifically for this platform.  As such most of these events are not backwards compatible with events from a similar application on downlevel platforms.  These events are mostly written to a channel under the “Applications and Services Logs” in the event viewer, though a few creep into the “Windows Logs”.


<Event xmlns=" ">


<Provider Name=" Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy " Guid=" {aea1b4fa-97d1-45f2-a64c-4d69fffd92c9} " />

<EventID> 8007 </EventID>

<Version> 0 </Version>

<Level> 4 </Level>

<Task> 0 </Task>

<Opcode> 2 </Opcode>

<Keywords> 0x4000000000000000 </Keywords>

<TimeCreated SystemTime=" 2008-01-21T19:42:41.009Z " />

<EventRecordID> 397142 </EventRecordID>

<Correlation ActivityID=" {86F2A78B-6A45-4E77-A34C-2809C9AAC658} " />

<Execution ProcessID=" 976 " ThreadID=" 3516 " />

<Channel> Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy/Operational </Channel>

<Computer> </Computer>

<Security UserID=" S-1-5-18 " />



<Data Name=" PolicyElaspedTimeInSeconds "> 5 </Data>

<Data Name=" ErrorCode "> 0 </Data>

<Data Name=" PrincipalSamName "> WINGROUPchristow </Data>

<Data Name=" IsMachine "> false </Data>

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 08:00 AM
Updated by: