Karl-WE Yeah, I'm done with Microsoft's 'work arounds' - if they don't have the simple intellect to identify "Oh hey, we have reports generating in our product that can't be used in a secure manner with our new Browser BY DEFAULT" then I am not going to go out of my way to work around and make it work.
Especially not when running it on an OS that doesn't even COME with IE (Server 2022)
I straight up would not accept that as an answer if I were you. The correct resolution is for them to provide an updated reporting mechanism that generates an HTML report which can be opened in a modern browser. Period.
I don't care if that's a Powershell script or Cmdlt they build or if it means they have to re-write the entire application - that's not on us as consumers who pay millions of dollars to Microsoft. We need to - as Enterprise Engineers - stop letting Microsoft roll over us with their poor choices. WE are the ones that have the actual voice they will listen to. SMB companies don't spend enough to influence Microsoft. My parent company? They somewhat recently signed what is in essence billions of dollars worth of investment with Microsoft. I have the ear of high level CSAM types and am leveraging those to make it understood that if they keep hamstringing development and half-assing products, we're going to stop using them.
Not directly related, but instead of continuing with Hyper-V and SCVMM, we're budgeting now hundreds of thousands towards VMWare that Microsoft COULD have earned, if they hadn't shot themselves and in turn us in the foot at nearly every single turn when it comes to Enterprise On-Premise Virtualization time and time again. This DFS/DFS-R is just another nail in the coffin of us moving away from Microsoft products and will instead invest in 3rd party solutions, because Microsoft can't be trusted to provide a reliable (non-azure) product anymore, in my opinion. They invest all their R&D into the cloud, and even with their on premise solutions (i.e. WAC) try to force Azure down the throats of Enterprise and SMB alike.
That all having been said, I appreciate your reply for those out there who are comfortable with it, and don't have the ability to push back. Thank you for your time!!