Heya folks, Ned here again. I recently wrote up all the changes that are now available to Windows Server Azure Edition - or are coming soon - and a number of them help out in file server and storage scenarios. Storage Replica compression, new SMB over QUIC options, hotpatching of Desktop Experience file servers, running edge file servers on Azure Stack HCI instead of just Azure, etc. Be sure to check it out at:
Ignite 2022: What's new in Windows Server Azure Edition - Microsoft Community Hub
And, of course, Windows Server 2022 non-Azure Edition brings its own goodies to this space, in areas such as SMB Compression, SMB security changes, new Storage Migration Service options, etc. read more about all those at:
Windows Server 2022 is full of new file services! - Microsoft Community Hub
Sonia Cuff & Orin Thomas did a great Ignite breakout session on modernizing your file services, it's now available on demand at:
Modernize your File Server infrastructure with Azure (microsoft.com)
Get to learnin'!
- Ned Pyle