Blog Post

Storage at Microsoft

Group Policy Preferences Drive Map Survey and Feedback

NedPyle's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 01, 2023

Heya folks, Ned here again. I just published a survey for IT Pros on Group Policy Preferences Drive Map. It's just a few minutes of your time, totally anonymous (unless you want to talk more) and could help make your life easier someday. Your feedback is invaluable for prioritizing our work, we really welcome your experience.


>> Take survey << 


Group Policy Preferences (aka "GPP") and its Drive Map option are features included in Active Directory. Drive Map is a replacement for logon scripts that automatically connect SMB drives using NET USE or New-SmbMapping. For more information, review Drive Map.  



If you are not using SMB mapped drives on Windows in your organization, there is no need to take this survey. 


Thanks in advance!


- Ned Pyle

Updated Feb 01, 2023
Version 1.0
  • Alban1998's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Done here.


    As an IT consultant, I systematically removed all script-based drive mappings to replace them by GPP-based drive mappings over the years. All other consultants I know did the same whenever possible.


    Script-based drive mapping are a security and a management HELL, especially within complex environments where you need to build sophisticated target filtering (something incredibly easy with GPP using Item-filter Targeting (ITL)).


    GPP are probably one of the most important quality-of-life improvements brought into Microsoft management tools and brought extraordinary additional value for admins and support teams alike, being very, very easy to use, modify, audit and troubleshoot (unlike scripts).

    While this tool belongs to a legacy era, it is still unmatched regarding functionalities and ease of use.


    Thanks !


  • Same here. I hope my feedback is of good quality to understand the importance of this GPP (not limited to these).