Deleted EditForm

Copper Contributor

I deleted EditForm from a library by mistake. Is there a way to recover it? I am using SharePoint Online

2 Replies



How did you delete the EditForm from SP Online document library? Can you mention the steps you performed?


You may be able to restore it using SharePoint designer. Check: Accidentally deleted default EditForm.aspx - same steps might work for SP online as well using SP 2013 designer.

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Hi @ganeshsanap I guess it was not an accident. I wanted to use a custom webpart and instead of hiding the default form I deleted it. Designer would have helped to recover it easily but because it have been depreciated, it doesn't anymore.  I fixed this issue by creating a copy of the library and moving the documents (moving not copying) from the original library to the new one.  To preserve the original library name I used a temporary library in between. Thanks for your reply.