Forum Discussion

Annie Wong's avatar
Annie Wong
Copper Contributor
Jun 07, 2017

0365 group - Content type publishing hubs - unable to refresh all published content types


I wonder if you would answer few questions in regards to update or refresh content types in our O365 Sharepoint team site.

1.  I logged in as site administrator to our O365 SharePoint team site, and visit the site settings page (I needed to type in _layouts/settings.aspx in order to activate Content Type Syndication Hub feature).  Under Site Collection Administration > Content type publishing, I checked refresh all published content types and submit OK.  (I already set up a content type-> site policy) in our content type hub and have it publish this content type).

However, I got an error: it says I don't have access to this page.  However, I logged in as site administrator.  

Could you let me know what I would receive this email?

2.  How long does it take the content types (from Content Type hub) to get published to the consumed site collections (especially for o365 group team sites)?  how often is the content type subscriber timer job runs?

3.  Do any future created o365 group team sites have access to these published content type by default?  (my goal is to have a centralized site policy which I set up in the contenttypehub and have any o365 team sites or sharepoint online site collections access to thisite policy content type)
i know this is the case for any SharePoint online team site in which this feature is intrinsically turend on and site policy feature is activated.

Thanks for your help in advance,



