Hi ChristopheHumbert . You can see the queries that we run when opening developer mode (F12 on keyboard). Then you can see the query on the request. Next step is to copy value and run it in log analytics (please make sure customer cleans extra spaces).
Anyway, this is the query that we run to get the requested report:
| extend Activity_s = columnifexists("Activity_s", ""), ActionSource_s = columnifexists("ActionSource_s", ""), LabelName_s = columnifexists("LabelName_s", ""), LabelNameBefore_s = columnifexists("LabelNameBefore_s", ""), LabelId_g = columnifexists("LabelId_g", ""), Operation_s = columnifexists("Operation_s", ""), TemplateId_g = columnifexists("TemplateId_g", ""), ProtectionBefore_g = columnifexists("ProtectionBefore_g", ""), ProtectionType_s = columnifexists("ProtectionType_s", ""), ObjectId_s = columnifexists("ObjectId_s", ""), ProcessName_s = columnifexists("ProcessName_s", ""), Workload_s = columnifexists("Workload_s", ""), Location_s = columnifexists("Location_s", ""), ActionId_g = columnifexists("ActionId_g", ""), UserId_s = columnifexists("UserId_s", ""), MachineName_s = columnifexists("MachineName_s", ""), IPv4_s = columnifexists("IPv4_s", ""), DeviceRisk_s = columnifexists("DeviceRisk_s", ""), Platform_s = columnifexists("Platform_s", ""), ApplicationName_s = columnifexists("ApplicationName_s", ""), ApplicationId_g = columnifexists("ApplicationId_g", ""), UserJustification_s = columnifexists("UserJustification_s", ""), MachineId_s = columnifexists("MachineId_s", ""), LogId_g = columnifexists("LogId_g", ""), ActionIdBefore_g = columnifexists("ActionIdBefore_g", ""), LastModifiedBy_s = columnifexists("LastModifiedBy_s", ""), ContentId_g = columnifexists("ContentId_g", ""), MatchedLabelName_s = columnifexists("MatchedLabelName_s", ""), RecommendedLabelName_s = columnifexists("RecommendedLabelName_s", ""), RecommendedLabelId_g = columnifexists("RecommendedLabelId_g", ""), MatchedLabelId_g = columnifexists("MatchedLabelId_g", ""), ProtectionOwnerBefore_s = columnifexists("ProtectionOwnerBefore_s", ""), ProtectionOwner_s = columnifexists("ProtectionOwner_s", ""), ProductVersion_s = columnifexists("ProductVersion_s", ""), ProtectionTypeBefore_s = columnifexists("ProtectionTypeBefore_s", ""), ResultStatus_s = columnifexists("ResultStatus_s", ""), ErrorMessage_s = columnifexists("ErrorMessage_s", ""), Protected_b = columnifexists("Protected_b", false), ProtectedBeforeAction_b = columnifexists("ProtectedBeforeAction_b", false), InformationTypes_s = columnifexists("InformationTypes_s", "[]"), MatchedRules_s = columnifexists("MatchedRules_s", "[]"), InformationTypesAbove55_s = columnifexists("InformationTypesAbove55_s", "[]"), InformationTypesAbove65_s = columnifexists("InformationTypesAbove65_s", "[]"), InformationTypesAbove75_s = columnifexists("InformationTypesAbove75_s", "[]"), InformationTypesAbove85_s = columnifexists("InformationTypesAbove85_s", "[]"), InformationTypesAbove95_s = columnifexists("InformationTypesAbove95_s", "[]"), DiscoveredInformationTypes_s = columnifexists("DiscoveredInformationTypes_s", "[]"), ProtectionTime_t = columnifexists("ProtectionTime_t", datetime(null)), LastModifiedDate_t = columnifexists("LastModifiedDate_t", datetime(null))
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(31d)
| where isnotempty(InformationTypes_s)
| where ApplicationName_s !~ "Microsoft Cloud App Security"
| where isnotempty(ObjectId_s)
| extend uniqeId = iff(Location_s =~ "Endpoint", strcat(MachineName_s, ObjectId_s), ObjectId_s)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by uniqeId
| where Operation_s !~ "FileDeleted"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(31d)
| extend dynamicInformationTypes_s = todynamic(InformationTypes_s)
| where isempty(dynamicInformationTypes_s) or InformationTypes_s == "[]" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "12Digits" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "ABA Routing Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Argentina National Identity (DNI) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australia Bank Account Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australia Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australia Drivers License Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australia Medical Account Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australia Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australia Tax File Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australian Business Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Australian Company Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Austria Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Austria Identity Card" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Austria Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Austria Social Security Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Austria Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Austria Value Added Tax (VAT) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure DocumentDB Auth Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure IAAS Database Connection String and Azure SQL Connection String" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure IoT Connection String" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure Publish Setting Password" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure Redis Cache Connection String" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure SAS" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure Service Bus Connection String" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure Storage Account Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Azure Storage Account Key (Generic)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Belgium Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Belgium National Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Belgium Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Belgium Value Added Tax Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Brazil CPF Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Brazil Legal Entity Number (CNPJ)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Brazil National ID Card (RG)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Bulgaria Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Bulgaria Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Bulgaria Uniform Civil Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-AZURE0060 Azure Storage Account Shared Access Signature" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-AZURE0100 Azure DevOps Personal Access Token" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-AZURE0130 Azure Shared Access Key / Web Hook Token" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-AZURE0140 Azure AD Client Access Token" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0020 X.509 Certificate Private Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0030 User Login Credentials" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0050 ASP.NET Machine Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0060 General Password" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0120 Http Authorization Header" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0130 Client Secret / Api Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-GENERAL0140 General Symmetric Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-MSFT0020 Moniker Agent Storage Account Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "CSCAN-MSFT0030 Legacy Geneva Resource Access Key" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Canada Bank Account Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Canada Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Canada Health Service Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Canada Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Canada Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Canada Social Insurance Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Chile Identity Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "China Resident Identity Card (PRC) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Credit Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Credit Card Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Croatia Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Croatia National ID Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Croatia Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Croatia Personal Identification (OIB) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Cyprus Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Cyprus Identity Card" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Cyprus Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Czech National Identity Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Czech Republic Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Denmark Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Denmark Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Denmark Personal Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Debit Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU GPS Coordinates" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Mobile Phone Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU National Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Phone Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Social Security Number (SSN) or Equivalent ID" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "EU Tax Identification Number (TIN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Estonia Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Estonia Personal Identification Code" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Finland Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Finland National ID" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Finland Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Finland Passport Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "France Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "France National ID Card (CNI)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "France Social Security Number (INSEE)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "France Social Security Number (INSEE) (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "France Tax Identification Number (numéro SPI.)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "France Value Added Tax Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "German Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "German Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Germany Identity Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Germany Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Germany Value Added Tax Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Greece Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Greece National ID Card" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Greece Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Greece Social Security Number (AMKA)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Greek Tax identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Hungarian Social Security Number (TAJ)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Hungary Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Hungary Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Hungary Personal Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Hungary Tax identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "IP Address" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "IP Address v4" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "IP Address v6" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "India Permanent Account Number (PAN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "India Unique Identification (Aadhaar) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Indonesia Identity Card (KTP) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "International Banking Account Number (IBAN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Ireland Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Ireland Personal Public Service (PPS) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Israel Bank Account Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Israel National ID" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Italy Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Italy Driver's License Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Italy Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Italy Value Added Tax Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japan Bank Account Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japan Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japan Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japan Resident Registration Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japan Social Insurance Number (SIN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japanese My Number Corporate" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japanese My Number Personal" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Japanese Residence Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Latvia Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Latvia Personal Code" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Lithuania Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Lithuania Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Lithuania Personal Code" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Luxemburg Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Luxemburg National Identification Number (Natural persons)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Luxemburg National Identification Number (Non-natural persons)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Luxemburg Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Malaysia Identity Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Malta Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Malta Identity Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Malta Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Malta Tax ID Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) card" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Microsoft Confidential" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Netherlands Citizen's Service (BSN) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Netherlands Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Netherlands Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Netherlands Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Netherlands Value Added Tax Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "New Zealand Driver License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "New Zealand Inland Revenue number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "New Zealand Ministry of Health Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "New Zealand Social Welfare Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "New Zealand bank account number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Norway Identity Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Philippines Unified Multi-Purpose ID Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Poland Identity Card" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Poland National ID (PESEL)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Poland Passport Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Poland Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Polish REGON Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Portugal Citizen Card Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Portugal Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Portugal Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Romania Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Romania Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Romania Personal Numerical Code (CNP)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Russian Passport Number (Domestic)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Russian Passport Number (International)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "SQL Server Connection String" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "SWIFT Code" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Saudi Arabia National ID" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "SecretTest" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Singapore National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovakia Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovakia Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovakia Personal Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovenia Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovenia Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovenia Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Slovenia Unique Master Citizen Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "South Africa Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "South Korea Resident Registration Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Spain DNI" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Spain Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Spain Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Spain Social Security Number (SSN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Spain Social Security Number (SSN) (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Spain Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Sweden Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Sweden National ID" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Sweden Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Sweden Passport Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Sweden Tax Identification Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Swiss Social Security Number AHV" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Taiwan National ID" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Taiwan Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Taiwan Resident Certificate (ARC,TARC)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Thai Population Identification Code" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Turkish National Identification number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. Driver's License Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. Electoral Roll Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. National Health Service Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. National Insurance Number (NINO)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. Passport Number (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.S. , U.K. Passport Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.S. Bank Account Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.S. Driver's License Number" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) (v2)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "USA Social Security Number (SSN)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Ukraine Passport Number (Domestic)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "Ukraine Passport Number (International)" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "secret" or dynamicInformationTypes_s has "test"
| mvexpand expandedInfoTypes=todynamic(InformationTypes_s)
| where expandedInfoTypes in (todynamic("[\"\",\"12Digits\",\"ABA Routing Number\",\"Argentina National Identity (DNI) Number\",\"Australia Bank Account Number\",\"Australia Driver's License Number\",\"Australia Drivers License Number (v2)\",\"Australia Medical Account Number\",\"Australia Passport Number\",\"Australia Tax File Number\",\"Australian Business Number\",\"Australian Company Number\",\"Austria Driver's License Number\",\"Austria Identity Card\",\"Austria Passport Number\",\"Austria Social Security Number\",\"Austria Tax Identification Number\",\"Austria Value Added Tax (VAT) Number\",\"Azure DocumentDB Auth Key\",\"Azure IAAS Database Connection String and Azure SQL Connection String\",\"Azure IoT Connection String\",\"Azure Publish Setting Password\",\"Azure Redis Cache Connection String\",\"Azure SAS\",\"Azure Service Bus Connection String\",\"Azure Storage Account Key\",\"Azure Storage Account Key (Generic)\",\"Belgium Driver's License Number\",\"Belgium National Number\",\"Belgium Passport Number\",\"Belgium Value Added Tax Number\",\"Brazil CPF Number\",\"Brazil Legal Entity Number (CNPJ)\",\"Brazil National ID Card (RG)\",\"Bulgaria Driver's License Number\",\"Bulgaria Passport Number\",\"Bulgaria Uniform Civil Number\",\"CSCAN-AZURE0060 Azure Storage Account Shared Access Signature\",\"CSCAN-AZURE0100 Azure DevOps Personal Access Token\",\"CSCAN-AZURE0130 Azure Shared Access Key / Web Hook Token\",\"CSCAN-AZURE0140 Azure AD Client Access Token\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0020 X.509 Certificate Private Key\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0030 User Login Credentials\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0050 ASP.NET Machine Key\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0060 General Password\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0120 Http Authorization Header\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0130 Client Secret / Api Key\",\"CSCAN-GENERAL0140 General Symmetric Key\",\"CSCAN-MSFT0020 Moniker Agent Storage Account Key\",\"CSCAN-MSFT0030 Legacy Geneva Resource Access Key\",\"Canada Bank Account Number\",\"Canada Driver's License Number\",\"Canada Health Service Number\",\"Canada Passport Number\",\"Canada Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN)\",\"Canada Social Insurance Number\",\"Chile Identity Card Number\",\"China Resident Identity Card (PRC) Number\",\"Credit Card Number\",\"Credit Card Number (v2)\",\"Croatia Driver's License Number\",\"Croatia National ID Card Number\",\"Croatia Passport Number\",\"Croatia Personal Identification (OIB) Number\",\"Cyprus Driver's License Number\",\"Cyprus Identity Card\",\"Cyprus Tax Identification Number\",\"Czech National Identity Card Number\",\"Czech Republic Passport Number\",\"Denmark Driver's License Number\",\"Denmark Passport Number\",\"Denmark Personal Identification Number\",\"Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Number\",\"EU Debit Card Number\",\"EU Driver's License Number\",\"EU GPS Coordinates\",\"EU Mobile Phone Number\",\"EU National Identification Number\",\"EU Passport Number\",\"EU Phone Number\",\"EU Social Security Number (SSN) or Equivalent ID\",\"EU Tax Identification Number (TIN)\",\"Estonia Passport Number\",\"Estonia Personal Identification Code\",\"Finland Driver's License Number\",\"Finland National ID\",\"Finland Passport Number\",\"Finland Passport Number (v2)\",\"France Driver's License Number\",\"France National ID Card (CNI)\",\"France Social Security Number (INSEE)\",\"France Social Security Number (INSEE) (v2)\",\"France Tax Identification Number (numéro SPI.)\",\"France Value Added Tax Number\",\"German Driver's License Number\",\"German Passport Number\",\"Germany Identity Card Number\",\"Germany Tax Identification Number\",\"Germany Value Added Tax Number\",\"Greece Driver's License Number\",\"Greece National ID Card\",\"Greece Passport Number\",\"Greece Social Security Number (AMKA)\",\"Greek Tax identification Number\",\"Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) Number\",\"Hungarian Social Security Number (TAJ)\",\"Hungary Driver's License Number\",\"Hungary Passport Number\",\"Hungary Personal Identification Number\",\"Hungary Tax identification Number\",\"IP Address\",\"IP Address v4\",\"IP Address v6\",\"India Permanent Account Number (PAN)\",\"India Unique Identification (Aadhaar) Number\",\"Indonesia Identity Card (KTP) Number\",\"International Banking Account Number (IBAN)\",\"Ireland Passport Number\",\"Ireland Personal Public Service (PPS) Number\",\"Israel Bank Account Number\",\"Israel National ID\",\"Italy Driver's License Number\",\"Italy Driver's License Number (v2)\",\"Italy Passport Number\",\"Italy Value Added Tax Number\",\"Japan Bank Account Number\",\"Japan Driver's License Number\",\"Japan Passport Number\",\"Japan Resident Registration Number\",\"Japan Social Insurance Number (SIN)\",\"Japanese My Number Corporate\",\"Japanese My Number Personal\",\"Japanese Residence Card Number\",\"Latvia Driver's License Number\",\"Latvia Personal Code\",\"Lithuania Driver's License Number\",\"Lithuania Passport Number\",\"Lithuania Personal Code\",\"Luxemburg Driver's License Number\",\"Luxemburg National Identification Number (Natural persons)\",\"Luxemburg National Identification Number (Non-natural persons)\",\"Luxemburg Passport Number\",\"Malaysia Identity Card Number\",\"Malta Driver's License Number\",\"Malta Identity Card Number\",\"Malta Passport Number\",\"Malta Tax ID Number\",\"Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) card\",\"Microsoft Confidential\",\"Netherlands Citizen's Service (BSN) Number\",\"Netherlands Driver's License Number\",\"Netherlands Passport Number\",\"Netherlands Tax Identification Number\",\"Netherlands Value Added Tax Number\",\"New Zealand Driver License Number\",\"New Zealand Inland Revenue number\",\"New Zealand Ministry of Health Number\",\"New Zealand Social Welfare Number\",\"New Zealand bank account number\",\"Norway Identity Number\",\"Philippines Unified Multi-Purpose ID Number\",\"Poland Identity Card\",\"Poland National ID (PESEL)\",\"Poland Passport Number (v2)\",\"Poland Tax Identification Number\",\"Polish REGON Number\",\"Portugal Citizen Card Number\",\"Portugal Passport Number\",\"Portugal Tax Identification Number\",\"Romania Driver's License Number\",\"Romania Passport Number\",\"Romania Personal Numerical Code (CNP)\",\"Russian Passport Number (Domestic)\",\"Russian Passport Number (International)\",\"SQL Server Connection String\",\"SWIFT Code\",\"Saudi Arabia National ID\",\"SecretTest\",\"Singapore National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) Number\",\"Slovakia Driver's License Number\",\"Slovakia Passport Number\",\"Slovakia Personal Number\",\"Slovenia Driver's License Number\",\"Slovenia Passport Number\",\"Slovenia Tax Identification Number\",\"Slovenia Unique Master Citizen Number\",\"South Africa Identification Number\",\"South Korea Resident Registration Number\",\"Spain DNI\",\"Spain Driver's License Number\",\"Spain Passport Number\",\"Spain Social Security Number (SSN)\",\"Spain Social Security Number (SSN) (v2)\",\"Spain Tax Identification Number\",\"Sweden Driver's License Number\",\"Sweden National ID\",\"Sweden Passport Number\",\"Sweden Passport Number (v2)\",\"Sweden Tax Identification Number\",\"Swiss Social Security Number AHV\",\"Taiwan National ID\",\"Taiwan Passport Number\",\"Taiwan Resident Certificate (ARC,TARC)\",\"Thai Population Identification Code\",\"Turkish National Identification number\",\"U.K. Driver's License Number\",\"U.K. Driver's License Number (v2)\",\"U.K. Electoral Roll Number\",\"U.K. National Health Service Number\",\"U.K. National Insurance Number (NINO)\",\"U.K. Passport Number (v2)\",\"U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number\",\"U.S. , U.K. Passport Number\",\"U.S. Bank Account Number\",\"U.S. Driver's License Number\",\"U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)\",\"U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) (v2)\",\"USA Social Security Number (SSN)\",\"Ukraine Passport Number (Domestic)\",\"Ukraine Passport Number (International)\",\"secret\",\"test\"]"))
| summarize value=count() by name=tostring(expandedInfoTypes)
| where isnotempty(name)
| sort by value