Forum Discussion
Oct 12, 2023Copper Contributor
Trigger flow from web part
Hi, I'm pretty new to sharepoint and I'm wondering if there is a way to directly trigger a flow from my sharepoint web part instead of in the list page. Right now I have a button in a list to st...
Oct 12, 2023Silver Contributor
Hi mingyk,
To trigger a flow from a SharePoint web part you can try to use a Power Apps button.
Here are the steps on how to create a Power Apps button and trigger a flow from a SharePoint web part:
Create a Power Apps button.
Go to Power Apps and create a new canvas app.
Add a button to the app.
In the OnSelect property of the button, add the following code:
Launch( "{EnvironmentName}/flows/{FlowID}/run" );
Replace {EnvironmentName} with the name of the environment where your flow is located and {FlowID} with the ID of your flow.
Save and publish the app.
Embed the Power Apps button in a SharePoint web part.
- Go to the SharePoint page where you want to add the button.
- Add a Power Apps web part to the page.
- In the App property of the web part, select the Power Apps app that you created.
Create a flow to be triggered by the Power Apps button.
- Go to Power Automate and create a new flow.
- Select the "When a button is clicked" trigger.
- In the OnSelect property of the trigger, select the Power Apps button that you created.
- Add the actions that you want to perform in your flow.
- Save and run the flow.
Here are some useful links regarding your issue:
- Create a Power Apps button:
- Embed a Power Apps button in a SharePoint web part:
- Create a flow to be triggered by a Power Apps button:
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Kindest regards,
Leon Pavesic
Sep 03, 2024Copper Contributor
I face the same problem that was stated in the original post.
Sadly the solution presented creates a button for a single powerapp call
However, as the included webpart is a list (or in my case) a library, the powerapp call should act on a single line in the library or list.
Is there a way to achieve that?
For example, can I include information about a selected item in the list/library to the flow call for the button you suggest. Even then I have an issue.
In the library I have set up the column with the flow-starting button with the column formatting option. In that script I also included conditions that would show or not show the button for that line, In that way I can prevent the flow being triggered if not all required fields are filled for the item. With a single button outside of the list that would also prove difficult, i fear.
I added the library as a web part so I could add a general description about the library and the available views. So right now, I either have to forego the description or the automation.
- rubalcadajrOct 31, 2024Copper Contributor
You can achieve this by first triggering your workflow with the For a selected file SharePoint trigger. You can require input from the user when starting the workflow from this trigger (I required description of the change to the document.) Next, add a single line text column in your SharePoint library, and in the column formatting section, add this:
{"$schema":"","elmType":"button","customRowAction":{"action":"executeFlow","actionParams":"{\"id\": \"{ID_OF_YOUR_FLOW}"}"},"attributes":{"class":"ms-fontColor-themePrimary ms-fontColor-themeDarker--hover"},"style":{"border":"none","background-color":"transparent","cursor":"pointer","visibility":"=if(((indexOf([$ContentTypeId],'0x0120')) == 0),'hidden', 'visible')"},"children":[{"elmType":"span","attributes":{"iconName":"Flow"},"style":{"padding-right":"6px"}},{"elmType":"span","txtContent":"{WHATEVER_YOU_WANT_YOUR_BUTTON_TO_SAY}"}]}
My workflow started an approval process for a document in the library. The formatting above looked like this in the list.
and this is the beginning of my workflow
Hope that helps!