Forum Discussion
Tim Hunter
Jul 05, 2019Steel Contributor
Sort Data Table
I have a Data Table that pulls columns from my DataSouce. I want the user to be able to pull data by Quarter and Year using 2 dropdowns. For example, if the user wanted to see all the data for Quarte...
Sep 12, 2019Brass Contributor
Hi Tim
Do you want to sort your data or filter your data using those 2 dropdowns?
If you'd like to filter your data based on year and quarter, you can add another logical_test at the end of the filter (I made up the Column name and dropdown control name, you can change it):
SortByColumns(Filter('[dbo].[wynne_incidents]', Yearadd.Selected.Result = year, Quarterdd.Selected.Result = quarter), "incident_num", Ascending)