Forum Discussion

Quotidian's avatar
Brass Contributor
Sep 11, 2019

SharePoint - MS Word Content Review Flow - Reality Check

I'm a documentation guy, experienced with Sharepoint, but a total Flow newbie.


I'm in a contract in the insurance space, in the KM group. I'm developing a documentation library, the aim of which is for drafting and review of Knowledge articles for ultimate publication in another system altogether. 


I don't want to enable Content Approval and Checkout because it's a small-team Drafting workshop with frequent minor edits, and constant check-outs and approval requests would be a major drag.


So I'm trying to work out a document review flow to send MS Word drafts to various expert users.  The first action is to send a link to a SharePoint document with a message for them to review, make comments, and save when done.  I have worked out how to do this part.


But I have this idea that I could create a Status flag for the documents so when a link has been sent out for review, the flow would automatically set the flag for that document to 'Under Review'. Then I could filter out the Under Review documents from the W-I-P documents, so the rest of the team are less likely to edit them while they're being reviewed, without literally checking them out.


Is that do-able? Make sense?


The other thing I'd like to do is capture the time:date sent in SharePoint in a Sent for Review field. Then there would then be an auto-calculated Due Back field (i.e. five working days after the Sent date), with an email reminder sent midway through day 3. 


So that's my workflow requirement in a nutshell. I've been looking through all the templates but none of them do exactly this, and many of them seem to assume Content Approval and Checkout, which I'm trying to avoid.

  • Hi Quotidian,


    This is possible using Flow. High-level steps include:


    • Add "Status" (Choice), "Sent For Review" (Date and time), "Due Back" (Date)  and Flow (String) columns to the Document Library. 

    • Create a new Flow using the SharePoint "For a selected file" trigger. Point it to your site and document library. "Add an input" for Email.

    • Initialize a string variable and set it to "FileId"

    • Add "Get files (properties only)" action. Point it to your site and document library. Add "Filter Query": ID eq variable from previous step.

    • Add "Update file properties" action. Point it to your site and document library. Set "Status Value". Set "Sent For Review" to expression utcNow('yyyy-MM-dd'). Set "Due Back" to expression addDays(utcnow('yyyy-MM-dd'), 5) - you'll have to figure out the business days requirement.
    • Add "Send an email" action. Set "To" to "Email" from "For a selected file".

    • Format the "Flow" column in the document library using this JSON code - Make sure you get the Flow ID correct.


    At the end of it you get a button within the document library that will trigger the Flow and direct the email to the reviewer.


    I hope this helps.




  • Hi Quotidian,


    This is possible using Flow. High-level steps include:


    • Add "Status" (Choice), "Sent For Review" (Date and time), "Due Back" (Date)  and Flow (String) columns to the Document Library. 

    • Create a new Flow using the SharePoint "For a selected file" trigger. Point it to your site and document library. "Add an input" for Email.

    • Initialize a string variable and set it to "FileId"

    • Add "Get files (properties only)" action. Point it to your site and document library. Add "Filter Query": ID eq variable from previous step.

    • Add "Update file properties" action. Point it to your site and document library. Set "Status Value". Set "Sent For Review" to expression utcNow('yyyy-MM-dd'). Set "Due Back" to expression addDays(utcnow('yyyy-MM-dd'), 5) - you'll have to figure out the business days requirement.
    • Add "Send an email" action. Set "To" to "Email" from "For a selected file".

    • Format the "Flow" column in the document library using this JSON code - Make sure you get the Flow ID correct.


    At the end of it you get a button within the document library that will trigger the Flow and direct the email to the reviewer.


    I hope this helps.




    • Quotidian's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Hi Norm - absolutely great - I was trying to put something together but I never would have been able to come up with this. Thanks a million!
