Forum Discussion
Send a Mail When a Field in a SharePoint List has a value of Yes
Based on your original details, this sounds like a pretty straightforward Flow.
Here is how I understand your question and the result you are looking for:
1. An item in a SharePoint list is modified
2. If a specific field value is changed to "Yes", then send an email.
You can accomplish this with the following steps in Flow:
1. When an item is created or modified (set this up for your specific list)
2. Condition (check to see if your field is equal to "Yes")
3. If the condition is true/yes, then use the Send an Email action
4. If the condition is false/no (your field does not equal "Yes"), then do nothing.
This Flow will run every single time that an item is modified in your list. However, it will only send the email if your field value is equal to "Yes".
If there are more nuances or requirements to the Flow scenario you are trying to create, please include them here. Otherwise, based on the initial ask, I believe this will suit your needs.
- Dave PalmerSep 03, 2019Brass Contributor
kevinmckeown8 Hi. Hoping you can help. Like many, I'm struggling to find the answer. I am LOVING Flow (and starting to promote in my org), but at risk of giving up where it just gets a little too advanced and time consuming. I came across your response, which was one of the simplest (and closest to my issue) which I could find.
I think I am close, just missing something obvious (at least I hope I am!). I have got my flow working, I think the basics are all good. Custom email to be sent once a SharePoint list item is modified, condition is to only send it if a choice value in a certain column is set to "Complete" (default value of the column is "Not complete").
I add the list item, the column stays as "Not complete", email doesn't send. Perfect.
Couple of hours later, I modify the list item, the column still stays as "Not complete", email doesn't send. Perfect.
Next day, I edit the list item, change this certain column to "Complete", the email sends. Perfect.
Like I say, it's working. My issue is STOPPING the email being sent again as soon as only one email has been sent. Once the column is set to "Complete", it will never be set to "Not complete" again.
Because I would normally go in and out of the list item at various times, I need some way of stopping the email being sent if the value was already "Complete" before modifying the list item. Not sure if I need a loop of 1 or what (this is where I am struggling to find help)
How do I stop the email getting sent when I go in and modify something else unrelated in the list item. Every time I make a change somewhere else, the condition is still being met, so the email is being sent out every time the list item is modified.
Thanks in advance!
Dave- Rob EllisSep 03, 2019Bronze ContributorYou could have the flow set the value of an extra column - e.g. set 'FlowHasRun' to 'True' - then check that value in the Flow, so the email is only sent if your column is 'Complete' AND 'FlowHasRun' column is 'false'
- LindseyLeighOct 07, 2019Copper ContributorI have used this approach but my problem is the update the hidden field action via FLOW is essentially a modification, so TWO emails are sent.
- Prince1000Apr 18, 2023Copper Contributorwhat if, when my column change i want to send an email that states the value of the column.
Ex: Column A will be the remarks column.
so when user add a list on sharepoint, after then i will edit the the remarks field then when it saved it will send an email to the user - Yinka2450Apr 04, 2024Copper Contributor
I created a similar flow that sends an email when a condition in a Share point list column is met i.e. send an email when 'status' eq replenish, send an e-mail. I used a scheduled flow but the problem is it keeps going through the entire table as scheduled and sends to the same people repeatedly except I delete the row. Is there a way to check only a new row and send a mail if condition is met?
- MarkWilson150Sep 24, 2024Copper Contributoramazing tip - is there a way to run a condition for the same value across multiple columns?
I have built a MS form with 40+ questios - each question answer is "yes", "no" or "maybe"
I have built the PA flow to do
'When a new response is submitted >>
get response details >>
Create Item (Sharepoint)
I've then put a condition then Send to email as you mention above...i've tested by putting in ONE dymamic field from the Get Response works........BUT i want the condition to look across the full sharepoint list entry and trigger the email when ANY of the SP columns contain a "no"
Please help !!