Forum Discussion

Boe_Barlage's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 02, 2022

Retrieve Full Page Body of SharePoint News Page with Power Automate

I have a SharePoint Communication site with a News webpart set up. In Power Automate, (when I try to pull in the News page body) the only field for the body of the text I am able to access is the 'Description' field (which is capped at like 250 characters). Does anyone have an idea on how I can pull the entire page body into power automate?

  • I was able to accomplish this by using the 'Send an HTTP request to Sharepoint' function in power automate and I used the api key below.


    accept application/json; odata=nometadata


    Then I added the 'Parse JSON' function. In the content field, I used the body of 'Send an HTTP Request' and I pasted the same Body string above into the 'Parse JSON' 'Schema' field.

    Then I passed the 'Parse JSON' value to the 'HTML to Text' power automate function.

    I hope this helps someone else.
  • Boe_Barlage's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I was able to accomplish this by using the 'Send an HTTP request to Sharepoint' function in power automate and I used the api key below.


    accept application/json; odata=nometadata


    Then I added the 'Parse JSON' function. In the content field, I used the body of 'Send an HTTP Request' and I pasted the same Body string above into the 'Parse JSON' 'Schema' field.

    Then I passed the 'Parse JSON' value to the 'HTML to Text' power automate function.

    I hope this helps someone else.
    • victorylp1's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      When I followed your suggestions, this was the result of my test email. There should be colored text and highlighted text, but only bold formatting showed up. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

      In the Headers section of the Send an HTTP request to SharePoint, what should go in the key and value fields? How do I get rid of the {"d":{"CanvasContent1":" and "}}?



      Email from this page should show up in the email.


      Lets Hope so!


      Cross your fingers!!!


      here we go!


      • Morganna_Espinoza's avatar
        Copper Contributor



        Hi I got this to work!

        1. First setup when a file is created or modified tile to the share point site you need and set it to site pages as a custom value



        2. Click settings on when a file is created... tile

        2. Make sure to add these triggers (it will filter for news posts and only if the post is a major version 1.0 2.0 etc.,, this will stop it from sending an email when it saves 1.1 1.2 etc.,)
        Trigger Condition:



        3. Click Done

        Next setup the Send an HTTP request to SharePoint tile

        Method: GET

        URI: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('Site Pages')/items(@{triggerOutputs()?['body/ID']})/FieldValuesAsHtml?$select=CanvasContent1

        Headers: accept: application/json; odata=nometadata




        Then add the parse JSON Function (this will allow you to seperate each "type" and make a option for just the text you want.

        paste in the following:


        Next add the send an email function:

        add the tile "canvascontent1" which is the text you want to the body of your email!

        Voila, it should remove the metadata you were trying to remove
