Forum Discussion
Alexandra S
Oct 22, 2018Copper Contributor
Request to Azure Resource Manager failed with error: WorkflowTriggerHistoryNotFound
When I try to check the history of runs in Microsoft Flow, I get following error for several runs: Request to Azure Resource Manager failed with error: '{"error":{"code":"WorkflowTriggerHistoryNotFound","message":"The workflow 'WORKFLOW ID WAS HERE' trigger 'When_a_file_is_created_or_modified_(properties_only)' history 'ANOTHER ID WAS HERE' could not be found."}}'. What could it mean and how could I resolve it? Thanks!
- Donald Wright, JrCopper Contributor
I am getting the same thing. Noted there's no response to you here. Any chance you figured this out without help from our friends at MS?
- totobias94Copper Contributor
The error occured when I renamed my trigger in the flow. If you change back the name of the trigger the error dissappears.