Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Jan 11, 2019

MS Flow - Copy files from one SharePoint library to other SharePoint fails for some files

Hi Team ,


User created a flow which will copy the items when created in one SharePoint library to the other library .It runs successfully for all the item .But it ignored one file "Makro MM05 Desery zupy sosy zimne kawa rabaty procentowe od 29 01 do 25 02 2019.xlsx" .It did not fail but it ignored the attachment as if there is no attachment and copied only other column values .I checked the file path length and it is only 226 characters .May I know why it ignored this file ?

  • Eva Vogel's avatar
    Eva Vogel
    Steel Contributor
    Hello! Most problems in O365 are dealing with wrong or lack of permissions. Do you have permissions to
    a) copy this attachment?
    b) send it to your target?
    Each of your steps/flows depends on your permissions. Maybe that a one cause. All the best, Eva
    • Deleted's avatar

      Hi Eva ,


      Thanks for your reply .


      User created the flow and he is the owner of the site .He has full control. Is there any problem with more number of spaces in the file name ?
