Forum Discussion
Henrik Stentebjerg Tobiassen
Mar 09, 2017Copper Contributor
Make field visible depended on other field - Powerapps
Hi, I am trying to make this date recieved field visible if the checkbox is checked and not visible is the checkbox not is checked. Can't really get it to work. Any suggestions ?
Rodney Craigo
Mar 13, 2017Brass Contributor
In the OnVisible property of your screen, create a Context Variable and set it's value to false.
UpdateContext({cVisible: false})
Then set the calandar controls Visible property to to the context variable, in this example that would be cVisible
On the check box control set the OnCheck property to update the Context variable
UpdateContext({cVisible: true})
You can reset the context variable in the checkbox OnUnCheck property to reset as well
to get a toggle effect.
UpdateContext({cVisible: false})
Hope this helps.
Aug 31, 2017Copper Contributor
I was looking in to how to use the Visible because it isn't straight foward when I started to think it's going to need to be set on the page load. Then I saw you had it all spelled out. NICE! thank you (Y)
- Rodney CraigoSep 02, 2017Brass Contributor
Hi Jerome,
Your welcome.
I'm gald you found this useful.
- RLUGOFeb 06, 2023Copper ContributorHi Rodney,
Have you used this capability with multiple checkboxes? I have a set of checkboxes within a gallery, but it only shows as checkbox1 so I'm not able to reference the rest of the checkboxes. Could you offer any insight on this?