Forum Discussion

Venu Madhav Deevi's avatar
May 17, 2018

Issue with SharePoint action tasks in Flow which are not accepting to provide SiteName and ListName

Hi All,


We have an issue with SharePoint action tasks in Flow, which are not accepting to provide SharePoint SiteName and SharePoint ListName property values at runtime. These action tasks throws an error "Cannot evaluate the parameter 'dataset' at design-time, it is empty or has a runtime expression." when we tried to add the variable names to these fields


Please let use know is this by design of SharePoint action tasks which accepts values at design time and there is no scope for us to assign these SiteName and ListName properties at runtime?



Venu Madhav Deevi.

  • Hi All,


    I could able to resolve this issue by using "SharePoint - Send an HTTP request to SharePoint" action instead of using standard SharePoint Create Update and Delete Flow actions. This helps us to assign SharePoint site link name using a value there in variable and also accessing any of the SharePoint List by using it Rest API calls in following format "_api/web/lists/getbytitle('<any list name which comes from variable>')/items". Hope this solution helps some of the users who want to implement CRUD operations with SharePoint list items at a runtime...

  • Hi All,


    I could able to resolve this issue by using "SharePoint - Send an HTTP request to SharePoint" action instead of using standard SharePoint Create Update and Delete Flow actions. This helps us to assign SharePoint site link name using a value there in variable and also accessing any of the SharePoint List by using it Rest API calls in following format "_api/web/lists/getbytitle('<any list name which comes from variable>')/items". Hope this solution helps some of the users who want to implement CRUD operations with SharePoint list items at a runtime...
