Forum Discussion
Getting data from 3 sharepoint lists in a delegable way
I have three SharePoint lists, as follow:-
1) BookingCalendar list. with these fields; ID, StartDate, EndDate
2) Network. With this field; ID
3) BookingCalendarNetwork. With these fields; ID, BookingCalendarID & NetworkID.
So a booking calendar can have multiple networks and a network can be associated with multiple booking calendars.
Now when creating a new booking calendar, i want to check for any conflict, the conflict can happen,
1) if a network inside the booking calendar is already been used as per the BookingCalendar StartDate and EndDate.
So, when creating or editing a booking calendar, i did this to get all the BookingCalendar/s which are already busy during the current booking calendar + get the networks for the current booking calendar (the items selected inside the Networks combbox inside the Booking Calendar form) that is been created/edited:-
//check for booking calendar conflicts UpdateContext({Bookinglist:Filter( 'Booking Calendars', ( StartDataCardValue.SelectedDate>=StartDate And StartDataCardValue.SelectedDate<=EndDate ) Or ( EndDataCardValue.SelectedDate>=StartDate And EndDataCardValue.SelectedDate<=EndDate ) )}); //get the selected networks inside the Network combobox inside the Booking Calendar form UpdateContext({relatedNetworksFortheBookingCalendar:bookingcaledarNetworksComboBox.SelectedItems})
but not sure how i can complete the business logic for checking the conflict in the booking calendars' networks in a delegable way?