Forum Discussion

Taha Zubair's avatar
Taha Zubair
Copper Contributor
Jun 27, 2018

GDPR Protection setting not found in SharePoint online E3


with the reference of below article, I am trying to set protection setting in my SharePoint online. When I am creating GDRP - Label in Security and compliance I am not able to get "Protection setting".


I have seen the "Protection setting" in below article why these are settings are not there in my case?


  • Matt Weston's avatar
    Matt Weston
    Brass Contributor

    Hi Taha. The article states that these are in preview, however it does allow you the opportunity to enrol in the preview programme (link at the bottom of the article).


    Unfortunately, even though the article was written back in February, I've not seen anything which suggests when these changes will be rolled out. A shame as I'm doing a presentation on O365 Security and Compliance next week and these would be really cool to demo!
