Forum Discussion
Data capturing system
Hi JurieEx, if I had been tasked with this the first thing I would look to do is to have the data that the user completes in a SharePoint list with the images stored in a document library in SharePoint.
Unless you have people external to your organisation completing the form, Microsoft Forms would probably be too simplistic for this scenario. Instead I would create a canvas Power App (note, not a model-driven one) which you can create free and have the data sources as your SharePoint list and the document library of images. You would need to have a column in your list for each question you are asking. The default mode of the canvas app would be "new" so that a user would open the app and be presented with a blank form to complete. For each question in the form you could display the related image.
When they have completed the form the user would click a button which would save their responses to the SharePoint list. If you needed to you could then export the list data to Excel.
This sort of setup is what we do at my company regularly as we are not allowed premium connectors like dataverse (for cost reasons only I think). Mostly we start with Forms but for more complex apps we use Power Apps.
I'm not sure I've explained that very well but a SharePoint/canvas Power Apps solution is the solution that I would certainly try to use and it would be no additional cost.
Come back with any questions.
Los Gallardos
Intranet, website and Power Platform Manager (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)
Hi RobElliott, thanks for your suggestion.
I have messed around in the canvas app quite a bit, but now I'm running into an issue where I cannot use column headings as inputs for the questions. I did some research and found that this is not possible at this time. (Reference: )
In case this causes any confusion as to what I want to do, let me clarify:
I have created a SharePoint list with default the required information to use as a source.
This includes:
Part Name:
Part Number
Columns containing the expected values
An attached image.
What I have been able to do so far:
I can list the items with an accompanying image correctly.
The Item screen title contains the Part Number.
What I can't do is:
Create labels corresponding to the column headings
Any Ideas?