Forum Discussion

danbmunoz's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 24, 2023

Change the value of Built-in columns Modified and Modified by

At work we are working on a document that will be used by employees to check if they are okay during a catastrophic event.  I made a list within sharepoint to accomplish this.  The list has the fol...
  • ganeshsanap's avatar
    May 25, 2023

    danbmunoz These are SharePoint default columns which cannot be changed using SharePoint user interface.


    But, you can update it easily using PnP PowerShell like: 


    Set-PnPListItem -List "My List" -Identity 1 -Values @{"Editor"="email address removed for privacy reasons"} -UpdateType UpdateOverwriteVersion


    Also, going forward whoever will be adding new list items will be shown in Created By (Author) column and the user who modifies the list item will be shown in Modified By (Editor) column automatically in the list when they will start using it.


    Author and Editor are internal names of Created By and Modified By fields respectively. Those are required to use in the PnP PowerShell for changing values.

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