Forum Discussion

johnjohn-Peter's avatar
Iron Contributor
Nov 08, 2023

Can we access On-Premises Active Directory using Power automate flows, to create new users and assig

We have a SharePoint list which contain the following info:-


1) First Name

2) Second Name

3) Last Name

4) Licenses. those are stored inside a comma separated text

5) Status. completed/uncompleted


now we want to do the following:-


1) Create a scheduled flow which iterate over the SharePoint list .

2) If the item status = uncompleted

3) Send a request to on-premises AD >> to check if the email address email address removed for privacy reasons already exists.

4) IF not, to create a new account.

5) after creating the new account , to assign the licenses to the new user..


can we automate this process using Power automate?


