New Planner Experience not showing Premium Plan (MS Project) tasks

Copper Contributor

I have the new Planner experience in Teams.  In My Tasks and My Day sections I can see Planner tasks, Loop tasks, Flagged email tasks but I don't see tasks from Premium Plans a.k.a. Projects.  Everything that I have read says that I should be seeing my tasks from Premium Plans here as well.  Anyone else experiencing the same issue?

2 Replies
Same issue for us. Project tasks assigned to users are not appearing in that user's "My Tasks" in the New Planner experience inside teams. However, a user can see the Project Plan in the New Planner app and navigate directly to the task, the task is just not aggregating under "My Tasks", whether "all" or "Assigned to Me" is checked. This makes it really hard for a user to see "all their tasks" in one location.
Same issue here - when going to planner in Teams, the "premium plans" pop up for a second then vanish