Share Link not Loading/allowing Downloads?

Copper Contributor

Hi there,


For two weeks now my "share" links, which are open to everyone suddenly stopped working. Not being signed into a Microsoft account, the page shows :: loading, non-stop and doesnt allow the user to select files to download or view. 


Only if linked RIGHT to a video/file they can download it.. but they cannot select it from a folder. Any ideas why?


Theres my share link

10 Replies

Yup, tried your link and seem to have the same behavior. I'd suggest opening a support case.

@StephenRice Been seeing a handful of posts about this. Are you guys aware? Seems to be something bugged in the UI when sharing folders not allowing interaction with files. 

Hi all,


Is the problem you are having that the command bar for shared folders is not loading? Or is it that it loads but the download command is not available? Using the link above, I see an issue with the command bar loading (known, team is working on a fix), but once it does load, "Download" shows up fine.


Let me know and I will drive to ground with the right folks! Thanks!


Stephen Rice

OneDrive Program Manager II

I’m able to browse to link and could see a folder and video files. When I click on folder, it’s opening with video files in it. However when I try to play a video it’s just loading. Loading issue in my case could be a network related as I am in transit and connected using phone.

@StephenRice Over the last week, several different users at my company have experienced a similar problem. Basically they share a link like normal to Everyone, but the person receiving the link can't download it. The toolbar doesn't appear but a row of horizontal dots like a loading sign appears, then nothing happens. Refreshing the page didn't work, and the behavior happened in Chrome, Edge, and FIrefox. The only thing that worked for anyone (but not everyone) was to turn off pop-up blockers. That was Friday, and today I was able to recreate the problem from my own Onedrive.


This is really not good because the people having issues are project managers who are delivering files to clients, and right now they have lost faith in Onedrive. The last thing you want is to try to send a bunch of files to a client Friday at 4pm and then have egg on your face when they can't download them. I'm tasked with making sure we have a plan B in case Onedrive fails again. Please keep us updated on this problem!





Hi Carrie,


Thanks for sharing the additional context! The team is definitely aware of the issue and we are working on a fix here. Unfortunately I don't have a specific timeframe on when you should see this, but I can at least tell you we're working on it. Feel free to bug me every couple of days and I'll bug the right people to find out the latest 🙂 Thanks!


Stephen Rice

OneDrive Program Manager II

Hi @StephenRice , any updates on this issue? Our MSP says there is no "official" announcement that this is a problem. It's a pretty big problem for our company however, because now our Onedrive users are nervous that it will happen again and want to use Dropbox or Google Drive as an alternative. Thanks in advance.

It looks fixed to me, the OP's share link is working fine when previously it was doing the whole loading bar thing.

@EnPointe I know this was posted a while ago, but I was hoping you could help me since your link is now working for downloads.  For the last year my shared folder links allowed clients to download, but all of a sudden if they click the download button it doesn't work.  Please let me know how you fixed it.  Thanks!

@VTour@stephen_rice I am having the same issue right now. For whatever reason, our users cannot download whole folders or multiple files. They are only allowed to download an individual file. This is a big issue as many of the folders we share have multiple subfolders with multiple items in each of them.

I am trying to share "anyone with link can view". We will send the link out to 80+ people and cannot restrict them to sign in, as many don't have accounts. Users who do have an account and are logged in are able to download.