Remove files shared with me

Copper Contributor


In OneDrive web version, there's a file shared with me. However I do not need access to this file anymore.

How do I remove it?


BR Bjarke

1 Reply


To remove a file that has been shared with you in OneDrive, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to OneDrive: Go to the OneDrive website and sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.
  2. Access Shared with Me: On the left side of the OneDrive interface, you should see a section called "Shared" or "Shared with me." Click on it to view files and folders that have been shared with you.
  3. Locate the File: Navigate through the list of shared files and folders to find the specific file you want to remove.
  4. Remove the File: Once you've located the file, right-click on it to open the context menu. From the menu options, select "Remove" or "Remove from shared list." This action will remove the file from your list of shared items.
  5. Confirm the Removal: Depending on the platform, you may be prompted to confirm the removal. Confirm the action to remove the file from your shared list.
  6. Optional: If you also want to delete the file from your OneDrive entirely (assuming you have edit permissions), you can select "Delete" from the context menu instead. This will remove the file from both your shared list and your OneDrive storage.

Once you've completed these steps, the file should no longer appear in your list of shared items in OneDrive. Keep in mind that removing the file from your shared list does not affect the original owner's copy of the file or anyone else's access to it. The text was created with the help of AI.


My answers are voluntary and without guarantee!


Hope this will help you.


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