Problem changing signing certificate of MSIX package

Copper Contributor


Currently, our team is changing the certificate used to sign an application that is used internally (MSIX with sideloading). The new certificate's publisher name is different, and thus, to keep all the available MSIX functionalities, we are currently trying to follow the documentation at .


We tried following all the steps enumerated in the link above, and the package was successfully created and signed (no errors occurred in this stage).

The problem occurred when we tried to install the package in one of the machines that are running the previous version, with the old certificate:




After further analysis, by reading the event logs present in the Windows Event Viewer, under Application and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > AppxPackagingOM > Microsoft-Windows-AppxPackaging/Operational, we get an error that indicates a problem with the manifest's certificate publisher name:




This error is also visible if we try to install the package using the Add-AppPackage Powershell cmdlet:




We tried to change the manifest's publisher name to use the NEW certificate's publisher name, but that produces an error in the package signing process (which we fixed by following the suggestion at 

Is there something missing from the documentation on MSIX Persistent Identity or is there some feature still missing with it? Is there any way we can fix this issue?

We appreciate all the help we can get with this issue.

Thank you

EDIT: Fix wrong link.


1 Reply
Microsoft will need to respond, but I'd thought that I should make sure you know that the procedure outlined only works on Windows 11 clients (at least at this time).