Feedback on the new Azure code signing...


You asked for some feedback.


First, no, I didn't actually go through the process.  From reading the documentation it was quite clear to me that there is a limited use case. 


The work to generate a code signing certificate for an organization might be something that people aren't use to, but that doesn't mean it is hard. And it is a one time event to generate the certificate, and then just one time to configure the packaging tooling to use it.


On the other hand, unless they already plan to distribute apps via the Store for Business/Education, the work to get a signed package for distribution, with the license file will be more work, as it is a multi-step process per-package.  Also, while I have used the Store for Business/Ed, I can't get customers to use the Store for Business/Education to get the packaging tool so they can pre-deploy into image;, so if they are not already using the store this is an absolute show stopper for them. (They don't know who to ask for permission/creds get/setup the store, and if they do know who they are afraid to ask).  


It's always great to have more options, so this capability will be good for a few customers.  And maybe the process can improve over time, but from looking at the docs, I can't see wanting to use it.



1 Reply

@Tim Mangan I recommend you go through the process to understand the end to end.  Its seems to work better for enterprises that have challenges distributing pfx files.  Its also good to note that the Store for Business is just a portal to enable the signing, they don't actually need to use the store for anything but to setup the service.

