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Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package

Brass Contributor

HI All,


I signed one msix package and when i tried to double click and install i am getting this error -


AppX Deployment operation failed for package <Package name> with error 0x800B010C. The specific error text for this failure is: Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package <package name> from: (<package name>) failed with error 0x800B010C. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues.


Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package <package name> from: (package name) failed with error 0x800B010C. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues.


Is anyone seen this error before and what could have caused this ? i am trying to install on Win 10 1809.

@John Vintzel can you advise plz ?

6 Replies

Hi @Amit Kumar,


Looking at the error message you have shared, it appears to be in-relation to the certificate used to sign your Windows App (*.msix). The certificate may not be trusted by the device, the certificate may have expired, or it and/or its parent certificate have been revoked (see the Certificate Revocation List).


Please check the status of your code signing certificate used to sign the Windows App.


Thank you,

Roy MacLachlan



I am having the same issue here. Bought the HEVC codec from MS and boom:


App installation failed with error message: Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtensions_1.0.50362.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe from: (Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtensions_1.0.50362.appx) failed with error 0x80073CF3. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues. (0x80073cf3)


Please incorporate this codec in windows?

@joostreedijkcom I also got the same error. 


Initially we had our app build on xamarin with appxbundle extension. then we build same app in MAUI now the extension is .msix. Both uses the same name and certifcate. when i try to update xamarin version app with MAUI. I also got the same error .0x80073CF3. 



App installation failed with error message: Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package **********    from:  (******.msix)  failed with error 0x80073CF3. See for help diagnosing app deployment issues. (0x80073cf3)





Please share if any one have any solutions.

@rethishanna we have the same exact issue. We can work around it by building an installer that backs up the LocalState, then uninstalls XamarinForms app, and installs MAUI app. We are sideloading on Windows only though so this is not going via the MS Store.


Did you find any resolution to error 0x80073CF3?

@rethishannathanks for the information... same issue, but the internet was assuring me it was a certificate error. Bundling the installer with makeappx (*.msix > *.msixbundle) thankfully resolved it. It appears msixbundle can upgrade an appxbundle, and msix an appx, but the two categories of installer can't mingle.

@pragmar Thanks for the information, we also found the solution issue around 3 months back ...I was updating all the resources with the answers I found...forgot to update here.

Solution was, Convert msix to msixbundle solves the problem.