Automatically list public teams

Copper Contributor

hi all,

our employees would really like to see all public teams in the sidebar of MS Teams.

If they now the name, they can look for the team and ask to join, but if they don't know?

Would be great to have an option to enable the view of all public teams across the organisation: is that possible?

4 Replies

@mark_81 No, but you can create Org Wide Teams that everyone would be a members and so would appear in their list of Teams.

thanks Steven
Org wide has limitations too

I think you are talking about for example you have 1000 pubic Teams and want to list them all for end user
it can't and should can't
when you have too many teams, enumerate will take a lot of time, and too many results is not a good way for user

the real pain in the as is function "search", it sucks, you will miss some results with your key word
if you want everyone has this list, or search, I suggest you export the list and make a exhibition way by yourself
Hi, I'm sorry, but I think if I understand correctly, you mean that I don't have the possibility to in the bar - or anywhere else - list the Public Teams of my organization?
Is this a bug or a limitation of the tool itself? Or finally, I'm not sure, a configuration error?

Today I was going through a difficulty like this... A public team that I created, another user, within the same organization, in the same Tenet cannot automatically list...