Forum Discussion

Jan_Steberl's avatar
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Apr 13, 2023

Now in public preview: Speaker view in Teams meetings


Microsoft Teams is introducing a new feature: Speaker view. This option can be selected from the view switcher within meetings, allowing users to effortlessly track the current active speaker. Speaker view is particularly effective in scenarios with a limited number of key speakers and a large audience, such as town halls, trainings, or lectures - especially from the student's perspective.



The Speaker View offers several enhancements, including:

  • Easy tracking of the active speaker: The view includes a primary area on the stage to focus on key participants in the meeting.
  • Better visual clarity: The active speaker's video is rendered at a higher resolution.
  • Equal representation for audio and video participants: All attendees are equally represented in the meeting, regardless of whether their video is enabled or disabled.
  • Inclusive by default: This view utilizes 16:9 tiles, providing ample space to fully display hand gestures and body language.
  • Predictable experience:
    • The use of 16:9 tiles and consistent placement of audio and video participants on the same stage ensures a fluid experience.
    • Users toggling their videos on or off do not cause the entire stage to be re-rendered.
    • The main area designated for the active speaker is also utilized for shared content, enabling seamless transitions during presentations.


Flighting status

Available to everyone in Public Preview channel.


How to enable

Users can select this new view “Speaker view” from the view switcher in meeting toolbar. This view is not set as a default view.



Note 1: If you need information about enabling the public preview itself, see “Enable the public preview for Teams” below.

Note 2: To be able to use this feature, user needs to be in Public Preview. Other meeting participants are not required to be in Public Preview.


Supported clients and platforms






Google Chrome



Microsoft Edge











Known issues



Known limitations



Enable your Teams client for the public preview 


  1. First, IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on Show preview features. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.  
  2. Users then choose to join the public preview individually. Learn how at Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support ( 


Send us your feedback 

Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help Give feedback This is on the bottom left of your client.



Thank you,

Preview Team

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams
