[GA'ed]Now in public preview: Pre-meeting room creation and participant assignment in breakout rooms

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We have added the ability for meeting organizers to pre-create breakout rooms before the meeting starts and perform participant assignment tasks (both auto and manual) in advance.





Flighting status

Now available to everyone in Public Preview. To be able to use this feature, meeting organizer and breakout rooms managers need to be in Public Preview. Attendees are not required to have Public Preview enabled.


How to enable

Before a meeting starts, meeting organizers of channel and private meetings are able to access a new tab in scheduling form called Breakout rooms. This will enable them to pre-create breakout rooms and pre-assign participants.

Organizers can perform the following breakout rooms configuration tasks before meeting starts:

  • Bulk creating / deleting rooms
  • Adding / deleting / renaming individual rooms
  • Configuring meeting options for each room
  • Adjusting settings for breakout rooms session (timer, selecting breakout rooms managers and more)
  • Pre-assigning participants via both manual and automatic assignment options
  • Selecting breakout rooms managers (only explicitly invited presenters are available for assignment as breakout rooms managers)

Breakout room managers are not assignable to rooms, instead they can move freely between rooms.


Note: If you need information about enabling public preview, see “Enable the public preview for Teams” below.


Microsoft 365 workloads and dependencies

Product, workload, or area

Dependency (Yes/No)

If yes, version requirements and other dependencies




SharePoint, files



Skype for Business



Outlook add-in



Azure AD










Supported clients and platforms

Windows 10









Internet Explorer












Known issues



Known limitations

  • During live sessions, rooms can only be managed via the breakout room panel in the meeting itself (requires organizer or breakout rooms manager to join the meeting)
  • Only explicitly invited attendees will be available for assignment, up to 300 participants (channel members implicitly invited will not be available for pre-assignment right now).
  • Only in-tenant presenters are available for assignment as breakout rooms managers.
  • Breakout room managers can be appointed prior to meeting by accessing breakout rooms settings only after rooms have been created.


Enable your Teams client for the public preview 


  1. IT admins need to set an update policy that turns on ‘Show preview features’. Learn how at Public preview in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs.  
  2. Users choose to join the public preview individually. Learn how at Get early access to new Teams features - Office Support (microsoft.com)  



Summary of public preview features

For a history of features in the Office and Teams public previews, see Release Notes Current Channel (Preview) - Office release notes | Microsoft Docs.



Send us your feedback 

Got feedback on features in the public preview or other areas of Teams? Let us know straight from Teams via Help Give feedback 



Thank you,

Preview Team, @Jan_Steberl 

Quality & Customer Obsession, Microsoft Teams

12 Replies
thank you for the update. Have checked and there is the breakout room tab. but don't know how to assign participants into rooms yet. nice feature.
thank you

Can we pre-assign an attendee of Out-tenant ?

I tried above but only pre-assign an attendee of In-tenant.



Can I confirm this means that now an administrator can create Teams meetings they are not going to attend and the breakout rooms will still be useable?
i.e. admin sets up the meeting and designates the meeting Chair a "breakout manager", the Chair can start the meeting and use the breakout rooms without the admin needing to join the meeting?

Will it soon be possible for an attendee to choose the breakout room they prefer, instead of assigning the attendees to a breakout room

Is there a way to do these things from Outlook or will it only be available in calendar through Teams?  It works great in Teams, just need to get used to doing things there rather than in Outlook, if that is the case.


Thank you!


Great to see these usability improvements.


Please extend this to work also with registered participants of meetings with registration (i.e. webinars).


Hi Rikky, I saw your message about the breakout rooms tab, please can you tell me where you found it.  I am trying to set up breakout rooms before a meeting, haven't done this before & can't see how to do it, any help gratefully received.  Kind regards Jacqui


manatoki@If you have any questions or need further information about this feature, please feel free to provide additional details or ask specific questions, and I'll do my best to assist you.