Forum Discussion
Sharing Video Link in Dynamics 365 Learning Paths
Can you give us a bit more detail on the flow you are doing? Are you using the Stream embed code or a link directly into Stream.
ArchanaN - Do you know more about Dynamics 365 Learning and what works with Stream?
I am using the shared link as I don't think you can embed the code in Dynamics Learning Path. There is only option to add a video link.
- Marc MrozNov 15, 2018Microsoft
So you add a link to the Stream video into Dynamics Learning.
When you click the video what happens? Doesn't it just take you to Stream like any other link? Or is it trying to open the link inside Dynamics somehow? What's the error you see? Can you paste some screen shots?
- DeletedNov 16, 2018
Here is the screen shot as requested.
It does not show any error.
The video does not play within Dynamics and it does not take me to Stream.
- Marc MrozNov 16, 2018Microsoft
Sorry I'm not familiar with Dynamics Learning, I'll have to see if I can track down someone who knows how this works internally.
However, can you take me through a full workflow of what you did step by step to get to that end screenshot you posted?
Which link did you grab in Stream, how did you get it into Dyanmics, etc.