Selective bulk migration

Copper Contributor

We want to migrate ~500 users at the same time ahead of the 10/15 date. We have identified the users and have a csv of their channel IDs, etc. We tried adding them to the scan tab via bulk upload csv but since they are apparently already seen by the scan tool, it wont add the containers.


Is there a way to tag users in bulk in the scan tab so I can filter select them all at once vs one at a time to scan and migrate?

1 Reply
And we have tried adding a tag column in the csv file when uploading a container list to the scan tool, but it fails. The stream admin migration page shows that line 2 has an issue. the SPO admin stream migration tool just errors out. The docs say tags can be added but it just refers you to the generic SPO migration article about tags, and I cant get that to work.