Finish Report

Copper Contributor

Is there any script or report that shows or can show what videos have been migrated to what is left to be migrated.  I feel like I'm done with my migration but can't tell for sure because I can't run through the entire list of 11,792 video in our application one by one.  I know there is an inventory report, but that doesn't provide me with any details about what's been finished, nor do I know what metadata/tag/field/etc to use to try to build such a report.  Any assistance would be appreciated. 

1 Reply
Run the content inventory report again. It will have the MigratedDestination filled in for any videos that have been migrated. You will be able to filter on any rows that are still blank and see a list of any videos that you have not migrated and you can decide if you want to migrate them or not.