If you're still supporting and designing solutions for SharePoint 2001, 2003, 2007, or 2010, yes these would seem very confusing. Even if you're mainly using 2013 or 2016 on prem, Modern UI can be difficult to get used to. Like anything, requires repeated use to become habit. I can assure you this is the future, and when you see what Microsoft is doing with communication sites [ie - the 'send as email' feature of a modern page] and how they save time, are responsive, are fast, and how sites can be scripted now, it is easy to see that they're not going away any time soon. Feature parity? Not there yet. Development stack different? You bet. I would argue the reward outweighs the risk of staying on older tech. Though I wish my Windows 2000 professional workstation was still supported. NEVER had a blue screen in 10+ years. Power supply died, and that was that.