What's New: Microsoft Sentinel Watchlist Support for ARM Templates!
Published Jun 16 2021 02:12 PM 5,801 Views

To add to the list of exciting announcements for Microsoft Sentinel, we are happy to announce that Watchlists now support ARM templates! Moving forward, users will be able to deploy Watchlists via ARM templates for quicker deployment scenarios as well as bulk deployments.


What Does It Look Like?


The template format is similar to regular ARM templates for Microsoft Sentinel. The template contains a few variables that are set upon creation and deployment:


Workspace Name: The workspace name is required so that ARM knows the workspace that Microsoft Sentinel is using. This is used for deploying the content and function to the workspace.

Watchlist Name: Name for the Watchlist in both Microsoft Sentinel and in the workspace when calling it via the _getWatchlist function. This should reflect what the Watchlist is for.

SearchKey Value: Title of a column that will be used for performing lookups and joins with other tables. It is recommended to choose the column that will be the most used for joins and lookups.
Watchlist Name and SearchKey should be set when creating the template as this value will be static. The name should reflect the purpose or topic of the Watchlist. The SearchKey is meant to be used as the reference column. The purpose of this column is to make lookups and joins more efficient. The section that those variables are set in appears as so:
name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), <-- set at deployment '/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/PUTWATCHLISTNAMEHERE')]",
        "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/Watchlists",
        "kind": "",
        "properties": {
            "displayName": "PUTWATCHLISTNAMEHRE",
            "source": "PUTWATCHLISTNAMEHERE.csv",
            "description": "This is a sample Watchlist description.",
            "provider": "Custom",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "labels": [
            "defaultDuration": "P1000Y",
            "contentType": "Text/Csv",
            "numberOfLinesToSkip": 0,
            "itemsSearchKey": "PUTSEARCHKEYVALUEHERE",
Within the body is the content that would normally be found within the CSV file that is uploaded to Microsoft Sentinel. This data is found under "rawContent".
For the content of the csv that will be generated, the columns and values must be specified. The columns will appear first, followed by the data. An example appears as so:
"rawContent": "SEARCHKEYCOLUMN,SampleColumn1,SampleColumn2\r\n

The columns that should be used are listed first in this example (SearchKey, SampleColumn1, SampleColumn2). Once the columns are listed, "\r\n" needs to be used to signal that a new row needs to be started. This is used throughout the template. This lets ARM know that the row has ended and the next row of the CSV should begin.
Note: The column being used for the SearchKey does not always need to be listed first.

When it comes to values that should be under the column, each value should be separated by a comma. The comma is interpreted as the end of that cell. As shown in the example, samplevalue1 is one cell, samplevalue2 is a different cell. When all of the values have been added for the row, \r\n needs to be used in order to start the next row.

An example of how that might look would be:
"rawContent": "SEARCHKEYCOLUMN, Account, Machine\r\n123.456.789.1, Admin, ContosoMachine1\r\n
    123.456.789.2, LocalUser, ContosoMachine2\r\n"
Note: These values are space sensitive. If spaces are not needed, please avoid using them as it could lead to inaccurate values.

This example shows that the columns will be an IP (used as the search key value), an account, and a machine. The rows below the columns will contain those types of values in the CSV file. In this case, the CSV will only have 3 columns and 2 rows of data.
Use Cases:
ARM template deployments will provide the most value when looking to deploy Watchlists in bulk or along with other items. For example, deploying a Watchlist upon the creation of a custom analytic rule, deploying a Watchlist based on TI posted by Microsoft, and more.
As an example, an ARM template has been posted within the Microsoft Sentinel GitHub that lists the Azure Public IPs. These IPs can be found online and downloaded but in this case, the IPs are ready to be deployed as a Watchlist for usage. This Watchlist can then be used to lower false positives for detections that pick up the IP or to be used as enrichment data for investigating activities within the environment. Additionally, a template that consists of threat intelligence from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Research Center for the recent NOBELIUM attacks has been posted within the GitHub for usage. This template allows for a file upload of threat intelligence without having to manually type each value into a CSV or the Azure portal.
To help users get started, a Watchlist template example has been posted within GitHub for reference. This template is meant to serve as the building block for custom templates and can be used as needed.


Time to get creative and start building custom Watchlists today!

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Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 02 2021 08:15 AM
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