Change Teams Meeting Options (Who can bypass lobby) via Graph API

Copper Contributor

I would like to change the who can bypass lobby meeting options of teams meeting via power automate using graph api. So, I checked the meeting options via teams user interface like below first photo. Then I tried to apply this configuration on power automate via graph. So, I checked the documentation of Update Event for Teams meeting as recommended the link following: onlineMeetings 

But there is not any options to restrict the user outside of my organization like the parameter "People in my organization" in the teams meeting options user interface for lobbybyPassSettings parameter. I checked how the lobbybypassSettings gets the value if the who can bypass lobby parameter has been set via teams meeting options user interface via powerautomate. It sets this parameter as "unknownFutureValue". But when I checked the documentation, Microsoft does't recommend this value to set.


1 Reply

@erdi kudu 


I found the resolution. I will write here if anybody faces this kind of issue. Microsoft released new two lobbybypasssettings for Graph API.

organizationExcludingGuests - Only the participants from the same company are admitted into the meeting and bypassing the lobby. All other participants are placed in the meeting lobby.
invited - Only people the organizer invites are admitted into the meeting and bypassing the lobby. All other participants are placed in the meeting lobby.

I used the organizationExcludingGuests parameter. So, I prevent the attendees to approve the guest users.