Section is available in Microsoft Forms
Published May 14 2019 02:24 AM 68.6K Views

We recently enabled Section feature for all customers. Section is one of the top asks from Microsoft Forms UserVoice community. It allows form creators to organize their questions in a better way, and form responders to easily consume those questions. 



Filling out a form with sections

When your customers fill out an online form with sections, they're able to better navigate many questions in a long survey that you've organized into smaller parts.


Section - go to the next pageSection - go to the next pageSection - the new pageSection - the new page


Create sections in Forms

To create a sectiongo to the "…" menu of the "Add New" action bar. Within the section, you can add and edit the title, description, images, and video. Additional functions (duplicate, remove, or move a section) can be found in the "…" section header menu.


Edit sectionEdit section


Setup branching for a section

Similar to adding branching for questions , you can also define branching logic based on sections. Set up branching on a particular question, then jump to a question group (section) based on your options.

Section with branchingSection with branching

Version history
Last update:
‎Dec 15 2020 02:04 PM
Updated by: