Using Microsoft Graph for Audit Logs

Iron Contributor

I'm trying to use Microsoft Graph to retrieve Windows Sign In logs from the previous day with the idea of creating reports  based on the data.


The issue I'm having:

  • Getting the exact same user information on each paging (@odata.nextLink) even though the skip token is different, except after the sixth skip the the URL within the odata.nextLink is repeating.

Any help in finding a resolution would be greatly appreciative 



Snapshot of my PowerShell script:

$Uri = "`$filter=createdDateTime gt 2019-12-02T12:00Z and createdDateTime lt 2019-12-02T20:01Z and appDisplayName eq 'Windows Sign In' and deviceDetail/operatingSystem eq 'Windows'&orderby=createdDateTime desc"

#$Uri = "`?$filter=appDisplayName eq 'Windows Sign In' AND deviceDetail/operatingSystem eq 'Windows'&orderby=createdDateTime desc"


# Fetch all Signin Logs
$AuditLogRequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Header -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"

$AuditlogNextLink = $AuditLogRequest."@odata.nextLink"

while($AuditlogNextLink -ne $null)
$Header = @{Authorization = "$($Request.token_type) $($Request.access_token)"}
$AuditLogRequest = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $AuditlogNextLink –Headers $Header –Method Get -ContentType "application/json")

$AuditlogNextLink = $AuditLogRequest.'@odata.nextLink'
$AuditlogNextLink >> "D:\AzureADSignInError\nextLink.txt"
$AuditLogs += $AuditLogRequest.value

$LoginArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
Foreach($AuditLog in $AuditLogs)
$DisplayName = $AuditLog.userDisplayName
$EmailAddress = $AuditLog.userPrincipalName
$UserObjectID = $AuditLog.userID
$AppDisplayName = $AuditLog.appDisplayName
$CreatedDate = $AuditLog.createdDateTime

$DetailInfo = $AuditLog.deviceDetail
$DeviceName = $DetailInfo.displayname
$DeviceID = $DetailInfo.deviceId
$DeviceOS = $DetailInfo.operatingSystem
$DeviceTrustType = $DetailInfo.trustType

$StatusInfo = $AuditLog.status
$FailureReason = $StatusInfo.failureReason
$ErrorCode = $StatusInfo.errorCode
$AdditonalDetail = $StatusInfo.additionalDetails

If($AppDisplayName -eq "Windows Sign In")
$AddDateTime = Get-date -UFormat $c
If($ErrorCode -eq "0")
$ArrayData = $DisplayName + "|" + $EmailAddress + "|" + $AppDisplayName + "|" + $DeviceOS + "|" + $DeviceTrustType + "|" + $CreatedDate + "|" + $AddDateTime
$Data = "$UserObjectID-$DeviceID"
$AddToLog = $LoginArray.Contains("$Data")

Write-host $AddToLog ".......................... $Data ..............................................................................................." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
Write-host $DisplayName " ... " $AppDisplayName "|"$DeviceOS "|" $DeviceTrustType "|" $DeviceName "|" $ErrorCode "|" $FailureReason "|" $CreatedDate "|" $AddDateTime "|" $Counter -ForegroundColor Green

If($AddToLog -eq $False)
#$LoginArray += $Data
Write-host $Data -ForegroundColor Magenta

$ExportData = $DisplayName + "|" + $EmailAddress + "|" + $UserObjectID + "|" + $AppDisplayName + "|" + $DeviceOS + "|" + $DeviceTrustType + "|" + $DeviceName + "|" + $DeviceID + "|" + $CreatedDate + "|" + $AddDateTime
Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -InputObject $ExportData -Encoding UTF8 -append

$Data = $Null
$AddToLog = $Null
ElseIf($ErrorCode -eq "50155")#50155 - Device authentication failed for this user 50057 - device failed authentication
$errorreport = "$DeviceID ... $ErrorCode .... $FailureReason"
Write-host $errorreport "................................................................................Count: " $Counter -ForegroundColor Cyan
$errorreport >> "D:\AzureADSignInError\AzureSignInErrors.txt"
ElseIf($ErrorCode -eq "50057")#User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator.
$errorreport = "$EmailAddress ... $ErrorCode .... $FailureReason"
Write-host $errorreport "................................................................................Count: " $Counter -ForegroundColor Cyan
$errorreport >> "D:\AzureADSignInError\AzureSignInErrors.txt"
$errorreport = "$EmailAddress ... $DeviceName ... $ErrorCode .... $FailureReason"
Write-host $errorreport "................................................................................Count: " $Counter -ForegroundColor Cyan
$errorreport >> "D\AzureADSignInError:\AzureSignInErrors.txt"

}# End Windows SignIn If statment
}#End of Foreach Loop

} # End of While Loop




The @data.nextlink Screenshots$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...$filter=createdDateTime+gt+2019-12-02T12%3a00Z+an...


3 Replies
best response confirmed by EntilZha (Iron Contributor)

I use this script to loop over signinlogs, so this should be the same.
could you test with this. If you can't adapt it to AuditLogs, feel free to reach out!

$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$User_resource = "auditLogs/signIns?top=1000"
$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$User_resource"

$signins = @()
try {
Write-Log "[INFO] - Getting all sign-in logs with uri - $uri"

$data = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get)
$signins += $data.Value

Write-Log "[INFO] - Got all sign-in logs for $user"

$uri = $data.'@odata.nextLink'

catch {
$ex = $_.Exception
$errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Log "[ERROR] - Getting sign-in Logs for $user"
Write-Log "[ERROR] - Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
Write-Log "[ERROR] - Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"

@Thijs Lecomte  thanks for responding.. 

I changed my loop from While to Do...While and that helped with the issue with paging ... thank you.


Due to the volume of audit logs and the time is takes to page through all the WindowsSignIn logs for 200+ users, I decided it would be quicker if I loop through each user and test to see if they log into their workstation. If they logged into their workstation I capture the most current information.


Thank You Again,





Hey Larry - I have a similar requirement to fetch the Windows Sign in Logs for all the users in Last 30days. Can you please share the script which worked for you ?

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by EntilZha (Iron Contributor)

I use this script to loop over signinlogs, so this should be the same.
could you test with this. If you can't adapt it to AuditLogs, feel free to reach out!

$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$User_resource = "auditLogs/signIns?top=1000"
$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$User_resource"

$signins = @()
try {
Write-Log "[INFO] - Getting all sign-in logs with uri - $uri"

$data = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get)
$signins += $data.Value

Write-Log "[INFO] - Got all sign-in logs for $user"

$uri = $data.'@odata.nextLink'

catch {
$ex = $_.Exception
$errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
Write-Log "[ERROR] - Getting sign-in Logs for $user"
Write-Log "[ERROR] - Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
Write-Log "[ERROR] - Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"

View solution in original post