Forum Discussion
Use Conditional Access to Restrict Microsoft Teams
Hi Matt,
What will happen when a user roams from the wifi to cellular? The article is awesome, just received a question from a customer regarding this topic.
Other question: Is it possible to add users/groups from other tenants or do we need to configure B2BCollobaration?
best regards,
Jurgen Hannink
Good question. As I mentioned in the blog post, once you go off network (roam from WiFi to cellular) you will still have access to the app for up to an hour until the next authentication refresh happens, at which point you will be challeged to authenticate and as Conditional Access kicks in - you'll be denied (see screenshots in blog post).
- Jurgen HanninkSep 04, 2017Copper Contributor
Thanks, any idea's regarding the other question?
- Matt SosemanSep 05, 2017Microsoft
I don't have an answer for the other question. Can you describe in more detail please? I'll look into labbing this up and writing a blog on it if it makes sense.