Forum Discussion
Jul 17, 2020Copper Contributor
Source Microsoft Account with issues to see my organization content
Hi, I have an Azure AD, I have invited external people to my organization, a few days ago I invited a new guest but he had not been able to see the embedded Power BI reports that I have in the S...
Steel Contributor
External Azure Active Directory: This user is homed in an external organization and authenticates by using an Azure AD account that belongs to the other organization. This type of sign-in corresponds to State 1.
Microsoft account: This user is homed in a Microsoft account and authenticates by using a Microsoft account. This type of sign-in corresponds to State 2.
Make sure you understand how PowerBI handles sharing.
Sep 29, 2020Copper Contributor
JanBakkerOrphaned I alson have this case and a external user can´t acessa anything on my org. What´s the difference of State 1 and 2?
The user Teams app doesnt show my org to list my teams that he bolongs to.
Can you hepl me?