Forum Discussion
Apr 08, 2019Copper Contributor
Setting Azure B2B Users as Members via the invitation
Hi All, apologies if I haven't spotted this answer in another post. I am a PowerShell newbie, I am looking for a command to invite Azure B2B users and make them as Members. I have been using the comm...
Apr 08, 2019
Had a look here:
Apr 08, 2019Copper Contributor
Thanks for the quick response, I did look at that article before running my script, however it errored on InvitedUserType command. My script is:
$invitations = import-csv c:\scripts\bulkinvite.csv
$messageInfo = New-Object Microsoft.Open.MSGraph.Model.InvitedUserMessageInfo
$messageInfo.customizedMessageBody = "You are invited to the XXXXX organization."
foreach ($email in $invitations)
{New-AzureADMSInvitation `
-InvitedUserEmailAddress $email.InvitedUserEmailAddress `
-InvitedUserDisplayName $email.Name `
-InviteRedirectUrl `
-InvitedUserMessageInfo $messageInfo `
-SendInvitationMessage $false
-InvitedUserType "Member"
The result is the User is invited as Guest and I get the following output:
InvitedUserType : Guest
Status : PendingAcceptance
-InvitedUserType : The term '-InvitedUserType' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
At line:8 char:7
+ -InvitedUserType "Member"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (-InvitedUserType:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Thanks again,
- CorsinoJul 18, 2019Copper ContributorTry changing "-InvitedUserType" to "-UserType". This should work fine.
- Ken BrownApr 26, 2019Copper Contributor
This is a snippet from a script I used to invite > 5000 users to our tenant (and later to invite a few hundred more)
Up near the top of the script, I assign this (this is to make a member) - I don't think it is case sensitive
This code is used later (you can make an educated guess what the variables are from their names)
Watch for line wraps!
if ([string]::isnullorempty($displayname)) {
# if no displayname is specified, don't pass the parameter
try {
$result=New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress $upn -InviteRedirectUrl $url -SendInvitationMessage $false -InvitedUserType $B2Busertype -ea stop
} catch {
} # end try catch
} else {
try {$result=New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress $upn -InviteRedirectUrl $url -SendInvitationMessage $false -InvitedUserType $B2Busertype -InvitedUserDisplayName $displayname -ea stop
} catch {
} # end try catch
} # end if [string] null displayname